Rozpoznawanie, tworzenie i wykorzystanie szans rozwoju turystyki w okolicach Tarnowa
- Year of publication: 2009
- Source: Show
- Pages: 176-205
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/13/ksm200911.pdf
Tourism in the region of Tarnow
The author presents the town Tarnow and its next region as a place with special potentialities for tourism development. There are capabilities for success in natural conditions, architectural monuments, culture, sport infrastructure, and socio-economic abilities as well. The inhabitants of Tarnow and its next area undertake a wide range of economic initiatives including tourism branch. What is subject of this article. In other articles of the same author published you will find some figures and some data on such measures are taken in the other enterprise activities. The purpose of this article is to introduce the undertakings stimulating possibilities of local tourist business in a desirable direction and their significant achievements. The scientific research has been prepared due to information obtained from observation method ,interview, inquiry and polling the population. On the basis of conducted research the author allows to identify the circumstances of enterprise development in particular tourism fields.
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