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Losy Stronnictwa Demokratycznego w 2 połowie 1948 i na początku 1949 r. Przypadek krakowski

  • Author: Tomasz Skrzyński
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 56-74
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200803
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200803.pdf

In 1948, aft er the summer changes within the leadership of PPR, the condition for further existence of SD was its acceptance of being a less important regime’s instrument in its policy towards private sector of the economy and the so called working intelligentsia. In the province of Cracow the position of SD was better within the circles of intelligentsia. Th is was due to the fact that in the second half of 1948 the regime increased its eff orts to destroy the private sector of the economy. The attitude of the local communist activists towards SD became severe. SD members were removed from Cracow authorities, local government, trade unions etc. Proportions of SD representatives in those bodies were decided behind closed doors. Activities of UB (secret police) increased. That situation had a disastrous eff ect on internal relations within Cracow branch of SD. Despite training campaign, the SD weak framework found it diffi cult to force its members to actively support the regime. Massive outfl ow of members occurred.

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