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Gospodarka dworska w kluczu wierzchosławickim w XVII I XVIII wieku. Produkcja roślinna

  • Author: Andrzej Niedojadło
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 263-281
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200814
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200814.pdf

The article presents fi rstly, the time and circumstance of Wierzchoslawice region villages becoming the part of Tarnow’s latyfundium as well as its previous heirs and landlords secondly, take-over the property by the Ostrogski family from the Leliwita family. Thirdly, the division of the assets into “princely” part and “zamojska” part and fi nally the Reunion of the property done by Teofila Lunomirska with Paweł Karol Sanguszko, who completed the property reunion in 1742. Th e time and the unfortunate division of the property turned it into ruins and economical breakdown. The period of Piotr Wodzicki tenancy were apparently positive. He rebuilt the manorial and grange buildings as well as the inn which eventually led to economical movement of Wierzchosławice region. The Wierzchosławice grange was the biggest among the others which create the Tarnow’s earldom. Its characteristic was the forest domination (87,3%). Despite this fact the intense agriculture economy was led in the region. Among the others mainlrye and wheat were cultivated. So, the so called, bread crops were among most popular because of really good grounds. The most of the production was designed for sell, seeding, alcohol production and to feed the cattle. The introduction of millet and so called “hreczka” lowered the economical costs but also the amount of more expensive crops production. The fall in crops production was influenced by wars and bad crops disasters.

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