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Kilka uwag na temat kultury materialnej Lachów limanowskich

  • Author: Wincenty Kołodziej
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 282-301
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200815
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200815.pdf

The article regards the material culture of Lachs. They live in the area of Beskid Wyspowy, infl uenced by the culture of highlanders and the people from the Cracow area. In the article the author described the culture’s infl uence on the people from the region, it’s range and specifi c divisions and also their cultural achievements. The author was particularly interested in the material culture of Lachs from the Limanowa region. Being a Lach himself, and during the childhood living in the country, he perfectly understands how the family and neighbors built their houses and equipped them with essential articles of daily use. The author brings us closer to the life conditions of the people from this past period. He describes the way how the people from the country built and equipped their homes with essential objects of daily use. A big part of the article is dedicated to the attire of the people. The collection of Regional Museum in Limanowa was helpful to provide information about this subject. Very helpful was also the literature of the subject included by the author in the footnotes of the article. Own memories of the author from his childhood, memories of his family and neighbors also played an important role in gathering information for this article. The author tries to paint a picture of a Polish countryside in the second half of the XIX and in the first half of the XX century. This picture and memories from those times are worth mentioning in the article because those times and the way Polish country looked will never come back, so they need to be remembered because it was a consecutive step in our course to modern culture and civilization.

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