Sytuacja finansowa szkolnictwa powszechnego w II Rzeczypospolitej oraz w Tarnowie i powiecie tarnowskim w latach 1918–1939
- Year of publication: 2008
- Source: Show
- Pages: 302-338
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/12/ksm200816.pdf
At the time of regaining independence and the rebuild of the Polish nation in 1918, actions of the education authorities in independent Poland were concentrated on standardizing the school system and level out the neglected system left by the occupants, realizing the new tasks mainly about the rebuild of the common education system which leads to its fi nancing. Right from the beginning of 2nd Republic of Poland the local self-government played a big role in the fi nancing. Low outlays from the government tried with hardship to re-compensate the not too wealthy local governments. It was quite signifi cant towards the weakness of the national administration, oft en changes in government and lack of budget stability. The signifi cant matter for the common education system was the problem of material security like constructions and school grounds. The traditional duty rested on the community government. There was a lack of plain regulations of rights which would include the country’s whole area. The first ones just appeared in 1922. Functioning and development of common education was dependent on economical factors, also on social regulations. It was important to understand its role and meaning by the local self-government with the acceptance of the local society. It was connected, in the signifi cant way, with the material position and the state of awareness of parents towards the education of their children. A tuff economical situation of the country caused that the society was not able to take any more costs at that time. The citizens of Tarnow and its poviat found themselves in similarly difficultfi nancial condition which had a negative infl uence on the education of children. Low income did not allow them in a signifi cant way to help schools fi nancially. Co-actions taken by the national government and self-government and parts of wealthy parents combined with active teachers and school managers in finding financial sources which allowed despite diffi culty for common education to function. Changes for the better started at the end of the 1930s. The beginning World War II made it impossible to combine further realization of that assignment. The financial situation of common education in Tarnow and its poviat was the same as in the whole country.