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- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 3-4
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: ksm/33/ksm33toc.pdf
Fr. prof. Władysław Piwowarski is known in Poland and abroad primarily as a sociologist of religion. His sociological works are an important component (one would like to say – classic) of the Polish sociology of religion, they have determined and still determine its development. Most of them closed a certain stage in the development of the sociology of religion in Poland and opened a new one. Today it would be difficult to imagine a thorough study of religiosity without taking into account the sociological achievements of Fr. prof. Piwowarski. In this study, we will only focus on selected aspects of his concept of the sociology of religion (sociology of religion as a sociological subdiscipline), religiosity as a subject of sociological research, methodological problems of the sociology of religion). We ignore his scientific achievements in the fields of sociology of morality, social philosophy, Catholic social science and pastoral theology.
The article deals with the problem of qualification advancement of civil servants in Ukraine. The article reveals the problems connected with qualification advancement of the employees of the state authorities. The article outlines the main directions of formation of the current effective system of professional development of civil servants. It was found that the mechanisms of the system of vocational training, which are used in foreign countries, mainly do not vary from the domestic tools of professional development (e.g., workplace training, on-the-job training (lectures, seminars, workshops, interdepartmental trainings), group training, distance learning), but their application in practice has certain peculiarities. Reform requires a high level of qualification and professional uniformity of the management apparatus, which will enable to provide a professional basis for the constitutional uniformity of the system of power, as well as the transition (vertical, horizontal, interdepartmental, etc.) of public servants. The establishment of systemic and innovative thinking of public servants is considered to be a new challenge of today’s realities. It should be noted that “professionalism of a public servant is intended to ensure the proper performance of duties, stability of public service, the ability to solve complex problems and the ability and readiness to improve their qualification. The main criteria of professionalism of a public servant can include: Availability of high education; competence (knowledge, skills and abilities) in performance of duties; availability of practical work experience; discipline, responsibility; accurate adherence to the law; political neutrality; organizational, managerial skills, initiative, creativity; ability and inclination to work in the service career; social protection, as well as psychological, moral and ethical qualities”. At the same time, the character and nature of performance of duties by public servants require them to have not only basic organizational and managerial skills, competence and initiative in fulfilling the assigned tasks, but also high human qualities: orderliness, self-control, modesty and self-criticism, sense of responsibility for the entrusted task, concern for state and public interests. Professionalism is the main qualitative category of a public servant, which determines the efficiency of work and his career.
duties професіоналізм interests career growth professionalism transformations
National minorities in multiethnic society: the OSCE Ljubljana guidelines
The article is devoted to the research of legal base of the European Union, particularly guidelines by the OSCE High Commissioners on National Minorities. On the issue regarding the development of the major aspects of the life of national minorities related to their self-identificati on. There in the study the structural-functional and analytical scientific methods been implemented. The OSCE Ljubljana Guidelines on Integration of Divers Societies (2012) is as the subject of the study in general, with directions of integration of national minorities in a polytechnics society, in particular. The novelty of the article is to reveal the subject of research though the coverage of the theoretical foundations of the integration model of public policy, the phenomenon of acculturation. The aim is to consider the principles and provisions of the OSCE Ljubljana Guidelines on Integration of Divers Societies as per the integration of diverse societies; to identify an areas of public policy, which in this document is the main emphasis; to clarify the provisions of the Guidelines aimed at regulating the development of a language of national minorities through the field of education, provision’s specific features. The peculiarities of the formation of the public sphere in Ukraine as the single ethnic country identified. The position and scientific vision of some domestic researchers on the prospects of further development of ethnic component highlighted. Briefly described the basic principles of the theory of acculturation and their differences. Assumptions been made regarding further implementation by the State the integration model of during the regulation and introducing the public policy in Ukraine. Conclusion been drawn on the promising areas of implementation the OSCE Ljubljana Guidelines on Integration of Divers Societies in Ukraine, taking into the account the peculiarities of the transit stage of the society.
етнічна компонента language of national minority ethnic component acculturation integration models public policy
Decentralization of power in Ukraine as a means of creating and maintaining a full-term living environment of territorial communities
The article researched the process of decentralization of power in Ukraine since 2014 and its legal regulation, highlights the stages of reform, systematizes its main achievements within the first stage (from 2014 to 2019) and the second (from 2020 to present), outlines and summarizes the key problems of community development and possible ways to solve them. Based on the analysis of the publications in which the solution of the problem was initiated, the author found that the attempts to improve the administrative- territorial structure of Ukraine, made at the national level before 2014, did not bring the expected results, and therefore the focus is on the process of subsequent reforms. With this in mind, the purpose of the study, its main research objectives and methodological tools are determined. The author emphasizes that the reform of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of local government is based on the best world achievements in this direction, on the basis of the analysis confirms the general correspondence between the number of persons living in a particular region of Ukraine and the number of established communities, and that community development problems are more pronounced within rural areas away from administrative centers. The proposed ways to solve the outlined problems will contribute to the creation and maintenance of a full-fledged living environment of communities.
децентралізація living environment problems of community development territorial communities stages of decentralization local governments decentralization rural areas
Comparative analysis of ways to protect the rights of domain name owners and trademarks
In this article, the author conducts a comparative analysis of international and Ukrainian legislation in the field of regulation of rights and obligations of trademark owners and domain names, protection mechanisms and their legislative consolidation. The imperfection of the legislative enshrinement of the domain name concept, the consequences of the lack of legal regulation by the state of the legal status of persons who have the right of ownership of the domain name, the lack of legal consolidation of mechanisms for acquiring and terminating domain name ownership and the legal consolidation of trademark and domain name. The differences between the current methods of protection of the right to a domain name in Ukraine and at the international level were revealed, and the prescriptions of the rules governing and resolving domain disputes in international and Ukrainian legal practice were compared. Based on the analyzed legislation, rules and scientific materials, ways to improve the legal status of domain name owners in Ukraine are proposed, including the separation of the domain name as a separate object of intellectual property rights, with typical for intellectual property rights guarantees for protection and enforcement on the domain name on the part of the state, development of the uniform mechanism regulated by the state of registration and acquisition of the property rights to the domain name and separation of legal ways and means of protection of the right to the domain name.
вебсайт legal protection trademark for goods and services trademark domain name website Information Technology intellectual property
In this research, which is proposed for the consideration of the scientific community, the author analyzes the essence of the concept of “economic offense”, studies, and summarizes scientific approaches to grounds for economic liability. A separate section of the research is the issue of understanding the essence of the economic offense as a ground for compensation for non-pecuniary damage to business entities. Based on the study and analysis of theoretical research on relevant issues, the author argues that universal characteristics of an economic offence are elements of its composition, and the sufficient ground for liability for non-pecuniary damage to business entities is the economic offense. At the same time, all other grounds for economic liability, which are distinguished by some scholars as independent grounds, incl. law ground, economic legal personality, and certain aspects (or conditions) of economic offense, are not separate grounds but comprise the economic offense’s composition. In addition, the author identifies and studies the elements of the economic offense’s composition as a ground for compensation for non-pecuniary damage to business entities. It is established that they are the object, the objective element, the subject, the subjective aspect. Thus, the research findings allow concluding that the economic offense may have a full or reduced composition, depending on the legal requirements for a particular element of the offense. Moreover, the most controversial issues concerning economic offenses, including the subjective aspect of the economic offense or the guilt of the business entity, are highlighted as ones which require further detailed scientific research.
ground for compensation for non-pecuniary damage to business entities guilt of business entity subject of economic offense objective side of economic offense object of economic offense body of economic offense
The importance of competent intelligence and secret diplomacy in the government of Ukraine
The article is devoted to secret diplomacy and intelligence in the context of Ukraine and its strategic partners. Topics are cross-sectoral and relate to political science, public administration and administration. The urgency is due to the fact that competent intelligence and secret diplomacy improve the quality of public administration and governance, which contributes to achieving the expected results in the field of security and defense. In conditions of armed aggression by the RF this is extremely important. Some weaknesses in the process of diplomatic relations with strategic partners, in the relations of the state leadership and intelligence at the present stage of Ukraine’s statehood have been identified. Options for increasing competence and cooperation are substantiated. For the first time at the level of the degree seeker, examples of incompetence in the relations between the state leadership and representatives of the intelligence services were summarized on the basis of the basic principle of the US Army “after action review”. It is proposed to expand the Normandy format of negotiations, involving the United States and Great Britain, with which Ukraine has secret diplomatic relations. The information provided in the article is not a state secret. But the author’s judgments concern the non-public side of government and international relations.
ГУР Міноборони Normandy Four Berne Club MI-6 CIA Ministry of Defense peace
The issue of determining the location of the main events of the Battle of Zhovti Vody in 1648 is considered. The Battle of Zhovti Vody, which changed the course of history not only in Ukraine and Poland but also in other European countries, is still poorly studied. There is no definitive answer to some key questions, such as the location of the « Urochishche Zhovti Vody», the place where the registered Cossacks joined Bohdan Khmelnitsky. Based on the analysis of sources and cartographic information, as well as a personal study of the area, the author draws conclusions about the location of the besieged Polish camp, the location of Kamenny Zaton. The author draws attention for the first time to special marks on one of the versions of the General Map of Ukraine by Guillaume Levasseur de Beauplan published by Willem Hondius in 1648, related to the Battle of Zhovti Vody. The study used a comparative analysis of historical maps and critical analysis of sources, regardless of the influence and authority of the authors. Identification and analysis of contradictions in the available empirical material led to the search for effective ways to eliminate them. As a result of the research, it became possible for the first time to locate the places of the main events of the beginning of the national liberation struggles of the Ukrainian people in the middle of the 17th century.
Crimean Khanate Stefan Pototsky Bohdan Khmelnytsky the 1648 Battle of Zhovti Vody Liberation War Poland Ukraine
The aim of this article was to define the fundamentalist character of the environment concentrated around Radio Maryja the radio station. In the course of consideration an attempt was made to answer the question about the tools and methods which Tadeusz Rydzyk as a charismatic leader used to build one of the biggest fundamentalist Catholic circles not only in Poland, but also in Europe. The author attempts to define the essence of fundamentalism in the ideological dimension, pointing to religion as a sphere of exceptional susceptibility to the formation of circles of this nature. In connection with the specificity of the Polish political scene and the exceptionally strong politicization of religion in recent years, the article also attempts to characterize the Polish social mentality as a phenomenon conducive to the development of religious fundamentalism. A critical analysis of media and political speeches, or press articles related to the activities of Radio Maryja, allowed at the same time to analyze the real consequences of uncritical acceptance of the ideological messages coming from the Torun radio station.
Polish Catholic Church Tadeusz Rydzyk Radio Maryja fundamentalism
Semiotico-compositive aspects of the formation of Chinese equipment painting works: general theoretical analysis
The scientific article is devoted to the complex analysis of semiotic-compositional aspects of formation of works of easel painting of China. It established that taking into account the holistic and fundamental changes that took place in the spiritual life of society in the late XX –early XXI century and due to the transformations taking place in the fine arts of China, it is obvious that profound changes have affected the methodology of philosophical knowledge and the foundations of artistic creativity. In art, the practice of artistic creativity and the accompanying philosophical reflection always go hand in hand, fully determining each other. In turn, attention to some specific aspects of the formation of the compositional construction of a work of art is not only able to promote practice, but can deepen the degree of penetration into all aspects of the topic under consideration. Emphasis is placed on the fact that extrapolating such a method to the study of the phenomena of compositional construction, we can afford to trace the relationship between individual artistic styles and their relationship to the goals and objectives of composition. This allows us to distinguish two aspects of the study: the attitude to the composition, its goals, objectives, methods and techniques in the context of the analyzed individual artistic styles; attitude to the composition, its goals, objectives, methods and techniques, as a communicative model of “open” type, in which the message changes as codes change, and the use of certain codes is dictated by ideology, features of historical development, translational movement of semiosis.
станковий живопис works of easel painting stylistics stylistic traditions easel painting semiotics Китай China
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