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- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 3-6
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- PDF: ksm/36/ksm36toc.pdf
The main priorities of President Andrzej Duda’s foreign policy
In the present state of the political system, the powers of the Polish president to conduct an independent foreign policy are quite limited. But, in the case of the Andrzej Duda presidency, there are certain areas in which his activities between 2015–2021 were dominant, however. It mainly concerned the Three Seas Initiative, the aim of which is to integrate the economy and infrastructure of Central European countries. The Polish president was and still is the main architect of this project. Moreover, he plays an important role in shaping Poland’s relations with Ukraine, and above all with the United States. It should be noted that in the latter cases, they were closely related to another scope partly within the remit of the Polish president – security policy.
Trójmorze Andrzej Duda Stany Zjednoczone the Three Seas Initiative Ukraina polityka zagraniczna prezydent president United States foreign policy Ukraine
The Problematics of Obligations in the Political and Legal Thought of the Renaissance
The article is devoted to understanding the category of obligation in the political and legal thought of the Renaissance. The study analyzes the works of F. Bacon, N. Machiavelli, J. Bodin and J. Althusius. Considering the views of F. Bacon, the author concludes that Bacon’s understanding of obligations is based on the established commandment of love, which should be guided by man in his actions and deeds. Thus, Bacon, above all, speaks of obligations in the Christian sense as manifestations of love of neighbor. In “Discourses on the First decade of Titus Livius”, N. Machiavelli outlines a kind of “obligation” of the republic and the prince to refrain from insulting citizens. He also formulates the obligation that a virtuous citizen should follow – to forget about the insults caused to him out of love for the homeland. The main obligation of the prince, based on the work of the “The Prince”, is the art of war. In addition to the above, it is also the obligation of the princes to try to retain power, to win, regardless of the means they use to do so. Regarding the people, the prince has such obligations as: to reward gifted citizens, to persuade them to quietly engage in crafts and trade, to arrange their possessions, but also to engage citizens in celebrations and spectacles at the right time. The author concludes that the issue of obligations in Machiavelli is wrapped up in political goals, which are ultimately aimed at preserving, strengthening the state, cohesion of the people. In Boden’s political and legal conception, it is the category of obligation (obligation between subject and sovereign) that forms citizenship, underlies the understanding of the law (as the sovereign’s order to exercise its power), and is associated with the first attribute of sovereignty. In this case, the sovereign and the citizen are bound by mutual obligations – the sovereign provides protection of the citizens and his property, and the citizens – obeys the will of the sovereign and shows faith and obedience to authority. Views on the obligations of the German thinker J. Althusius are set out in his work “Politica”, analyzing which, the author concludes that the whole system of obligations of J. Althusius is based on God’s commandments, the commandments of love of neighbor. Regarding the sovereigns, they should take care of the soul and body of their citizens, especially in the direction of their noesis of God’s laws and their protection.
J. Althusius J. Bodin N. Machiavelli F. Bacon obligation обов’язок
Problems of Building and Destruction of National Identity
The article analyzes different types of identity and finds that both regional, ethnic and national, belong to the territorial identity, and regional is more volatile and unstable iv contrast to ethnic, which, in addition to territoriality involves in its consideration of historical component – memories, memory of ancestors. The article also traces the influence of cultural memory on the formation of national identity. Studies of cultural memory are interdisciplinary in nature and are the subject of reflection in various scientific discourses (historical (F. Aries, J. Lefebvre, P. Nora, F. Fure), culturological (F. Yates, M. Foucault), sociological (M. Halbwax), philosophical (A. Bergson, E. Durkheim, A. Mole), psychological (W. Wordsworth, Z. Freud), etc.). Cultural memory is formed over the centuries and transmits cultural content in the form of texts, images, inscriptions, monuments, rituals, all indicators of tradition. It is a prerequisite for self-identification, as it connects knowledge about the past and present life situation of a particular social group. The issue of cultural memory is an important research issue. Songwriting transforms the cultural memory of Ukrainians and through the emotional component of the song (folklore) forms different types of identity. Mnemics of modus, decoded and incorporated into regional culture, are stable guardians of traditions that are broadcast not only limited territories, but are able to spread to unlimited areas. Thus, regional culture penetrates into various layers of national culture, supplementing and enriching it with cultural meanings. Cultural memory is most vividly formed in the Diasporas, which is explained by the desire to preserve national identity outside the homeland. The ways of expressing identity by folk songs are outlined. National-cultural identity is defined as a sense of belonging to a national community, consideration of one’s personality through the prism of identification with its symbols, values, history and culture. The significance of folk song practices for the formation of national identity is substantiated. Cultural regional identity in modern conditions is characterized. The region covers the history of Ukrainian culture in a new perspective and contributes to the study of individual territorial centers as unique and inimitable units in not only historical, geographical and art aspects, but also is important in cultural discourse. The appeal to primary source, in particular the folk song, makes a mechanism for the preservation of national integrity, transforming through the emotional component of song performance into cultural memory, which forms the identity itself. Cultural memory combined with historical experience will result in national identity and conscious being.
folk song folklore folk song practices false historical memory national and cultural identity самоідентифікація self-identification
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects the Concept of International Image of the State
The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of the international image of the state through: analysis of conceptual approaches to the concept of international image of the state; identification of factors influencing the formation of an effective image of the state in the international arena; formulation of essential features of the state image and determination of their influence on the international competitiveness of the state; defining criteria for assessing the international image; analysis of areas of international state image-making. The international image of the state is a strategic tool for strengthening the status of the state in the international arena and the main criterion for its effectiveness. The international image is formed under the influence of natural factors and purposeful activity of state and other actors. The author identifies specific features of the international image of the state: compliance with the level of political, socio-economic and cultural development of the state; emphasis on the brightest and specific characteristics of the state; the presence of significant emotional and psychological composition; easy to display object; symbolization of some aspects of state life. The main criterion for the effectiveness of the state image is to strengthen the status of the state in the international arena. The result of the analysis of the main directions of international state image-making is the allocation of three areas: geopolitical direction forms the idea of geographical space as a territory for domestic and foreign policy; marketing direction provides promotion of economic processes of the state on the world stage; branding direction based on the recognizability of formal and informal symbols of the state contributes to the recognizability of the state on the world stage. Thus, the international image is a manageable category that can be built according to the political or economic demands of the state.
international state image-making національний брендинг political marketing globalization nation branding foreign policy state international relations
Artificial Intelligence in the Process of Making and Implementing Management Decisions in the Field of Legal Management
The scientific article, based on the works of domestic scientists, researchers and modern legislation, highlights current issues of the introduction of artificial intelligence in the process of making and implementing management decisions. The authors emphasize the existence of different views of scholars on the definition of the concept of legal management, its relationship with the concept of law practice management. The vision of various scholars to define the concept of managerial decision-making is also analyzed. Find out why this component of the above area is so important and significant. In addition, the authors of the study explain what are the technologies of artificial intelligence and how widely they are used in leading countries. The most famous examples of the use of such intelligent systems in decision making are identified. The experience of foreign countries on the use of artificial intelligence in the process of legal activity is analyzed. Find out what specific tools are used to provide effective legal assistance to clients in these countries. The authors also study the existence of such tools for legal activity in Ukraine. The scientific article also provides a thorough analysis of Ukrainian legislation. The normative legal acts regulating the introduction of artificial intelligence in various spheres of the economy, in particular, in legal management, are analyzed. The authors of the article also propose a specific addition to the Civil Code of Ukraine, which would help to effectively implement artificial intelligence. Another new piece of legislation to regulate this issue was also presented. This explains the advantages of law firms that use modern technology over those that do not. Based on this, the authors also describe their model of introducing artificial intelligence in the field of legal management. Thus, the article emphasizes the importance of introducing the described changes to the legislation and the model proposed by them.
management solution law firm law practice management intelligent systems інтелектуальні системи lawyer
Correlation of Concepts Right and Law
The article proves that law is an effective means of regulation only in the rule of law. The rule of law underpins the work of the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as the political institutions of modern developed nations. It is shown that the concept of “rule of law” is lexically close to one of the basic elements of the positivist doctrine of law in the form of the concept of “rule of law”, which led to the identification of these concepts. It is substantiated that the Ukrainian vision of the rule of law is not limited to legislation as one of its forms, but also includes other social regulators, including morals, traditions, customs, etc., which are legitimized by society and conditioned with historically achieved cultural level. It is confirmed that justice is one of the basic principles of the law, decisive in defining it as a regulator of social relations, one of the universal dimensions of the law. It is proved that justice is considered as a property of the law, expressed, in particular, in the equal legal scale of behavior and in the proportionality of legal responsibility for the offense. In the field of the law enforcement, justice is manifested, in particular, in the equality of all before the law, the conformity of crime and punishment, the goals of the legislator and the means chosen to achieve them. In the article, that right, comes forward as effective means of adjusting only in the conditions of supremacy of thelaw. Principle of supremacy of right is the basis of activity of United Nations and other international organizations, and also political institutes of the modern developed states. It has been shown that a pan-European understanding of the concepts studied takes into account the main aspects of the concept of “rule of law”: all persons, whether public or private, must be bound by law and have the right to enjoy it. It is shown that modern society has developed an effective mechanism for ensuring the rule of law, which includes: the existence of the basic law of the country – the Constitution or its equivalent; clear and consistent system of legislation; institutions of justice, administration and security, which have the means and capabilities to ensure the application of legislation; legal culture. In the absence of equal law for all, the progressive development of society is impossible. Where there are groups above the law, as well as the practice of selective application of the law, incentives for development disappear. It is substantiated that the rule of law should be identified and implemented at the stage of law enforcement and the first step towards this is to increase the role of law as the main and primary regulator of public relations.
верховенство права legal understanding rule of law justice the rule of law society
Education of Inmates in Polish Prisons and Remand Centre
The aim of the article is an attempt to analyze the education system of prisoners in Poland. This work is based on the available literature. The author has attempted to answer the following questions: What were the most important assumptions and legal conditions of education of inmates in Polish penitentiary units? What is the structure and organisation of the education system in penitentiary isolation? The methodology used to create the publication was to conduct a critical analysis of legal acts and other documents available on the Internet. In the course of the literature analysis, the author points out that the legislation on education in penitentiary isolation has changed over the last hundred years, but it has always been aimed at giving inmates a chance to re-enter the labour market and prevent a return to crime.
continuing education operational programs readaptation education of prisoners kształcenie ustawiczne programy operacyjne readaptacja system kształcenia Służba Więzienna kształcenie osadzonych Prison Service education system
Alternative Ways to Resolve Customs Disputes
The article is devoted to clarifying the nature and features of legally established alternative ways of resolving customs disputes in Ukraine. The spheres of application of alternative ways of resolving legal disputes are established. It is emphasized that alternative ways of resolving legal disputes can be used in both private and public spheres. Alternative ways of resolving customs disputes in court are identified: dispute resolution with the participation of a judge and conciliation of the parties. The specifics of these methods of resolving customs disputes are described. Attention is drawn to the fact that among scholars there is no single approach to understanding the nature and legal nature of the institution of dispute resolution with the participation of a judge. It is concluded that dispute resolution with the participation of a judge is an independent way of resolving customs disputes, which is coordinated directly by the judge. It is pointed out that the application of the institute of dispute resolution with the participation of a judge in customs disputes is limited, namely: in cases at the request of customs authorities in the exercise of their statutory powers and in typical cases. It is emphasized that the role of the institution of conciliation of the parties as a way of resolving customs disputes is that its application is possible at any stage of proceedings in customs disputes in the administrative proceedings of Ukraine. The author’s understanding of the following categories is given: «alternative ways of resolving customs disputes» is a set of procedures aimed at peaceful settlement of conflicts by mutual will of both parties; «settlement of a dispute involving a judge» is a way of resolving customs disputes involving a judgerapporteur for the peaceful settlement of the conflict between the parties; «reconciliation of the parties» is a way of resolving customs disputes, which is aimed at peaceful settlement of the conflict in court by mutual will of both parties. It is stated that in resolving customs disputes in court, dispute resolution with the participation of a judge can be applied only before the trial on the merits, and conciliation of the parties – at any stage of consideration and resolution of the case. It is noted that the existing legal regulation of alternative ways of resolving customs disputes needs to be updated, harmonized and systematized. In order to ensure effective functioning of alternative methods of resolving customs disputes in Ukraine, it is proposed at the legislative level to provide that in addition to administrative and judicial procedures, customs disputes may also be resolved using alternative methods and regulate pre-trial and judicial alternatives.
митні спори conciliation of the parties dispute resolution with the participation of a judge alternative subjects of customs relations customs disputes administrative proceedings
“Alternative Appeal” and “Administrative Appeal” as Scientific Categories in the Context of State Registration Appealing Procedure
The article deals with categories of “alternative appeal” and “administrative appeal” in domestic and foreign legal doctrine, as well as under the prism of the appealing procedure in the field of state registration. The author emphasizes that etymologically the problem is to determine the legal nature of the procedure for appealing against decisions, actions or inaction in the field of state registration of real estate and business: whether it is alternative, administrative or mixed. The researcher comprehensively uses the methods of comparative law and philology, so this research is intersectoral and interdisciplinary. The article also analyzes the general state of modern jurisprudence’s categorical apparatus by studying some scientific definitions of “alternative appeal” and “administrative appeal” terms to determine the essence of an out-of-court appeal in the field of state registration procedure. The author explores different interpretations of such a term as “alternative appeal” in the institutional context of administrative law and administrative process. The scientific paper notes the existence of scientific concepts on the synonymy of such terms as “alternative appeal”, “extrajudicial appeal”, “pre-trial appeal”, “non-traditional appeal”. The researcher considers some scientific interpretations of administrative appeal in the context of Ukrainian system of administrative services’ historical and social reforming. The article also lists the basic principles of an out-of-court appealing procedure in the field of state registration as well as it has signs of alternative and administrative appeal mechanisms. There is information about the competence and positive features of special advisory structures of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and its territorial offices – boards that consider complaints against illegal decisions, actions or inaction of administrative service providers in the field of state registration. The author summarizes that the procedure for appealing against decisions, actions or inaction of state registrars is extrajudicial, administrative and alternative (alternative to litigation).
позасудове оскарження boards for consideration of complaints in the field of state registration non-traditional appeal in the field of state registration quasi-judicial appeal extrajudicial instances alternative dispute resolution in the field of state registration Extrajudicial appeal
«Ecological» School of Electoral Research: Formation, Current State and Prospects of Development
Purpose: to reveal the peculiarities of the formation of «ecological» (contextual, spatial) school of electoral research, characterization of its current state and determine the prospects for the development of this area of electoral studies. The results of the study: it was shown that the formation of the «ecological» school is associated with the expansion of the electoral corps in Western European countries in the second half of the nineteenth century in connection with the introduction of universal suffrage, as well as the strengthening of the role of elections in the political life of Western countries on the basis of representative democracy; determined that the predecessors of the «ecological» direction of electoral research were statistical scientists E. Engel and O. Fokardi, who studied electoral statistics through the prism of political and geographical approach; it is established that the founder of the «ecological» school of electoral research is A. Siegfried, who proposed a contextual («ecological») model of voting analysis, where the key factor determining the electoral position of the voter and his electoral behavior is the environment in which the voter is; proved that the institutionalization of the «ecological» school of electoral research is associated with the activities of F. Gogel, who formulated the basic credo of «ecologicalists» – any research in the field of electoral behavior should be based on comparing election results and factors that may explain these results; it is traced that the further development of the «ecological» school in the second half of the twentieth century – the beginning of the twenty-first century carried out by P. Bois, R. Aron, M. Dogan, R. Heberle, J. Sartori, G. Tingsten, and others. Conclusions: «ecological» (contextual, spatial) school of electoral research is mainly applied; it focuses on the development of statistical methods for the study of aggregated quantitative data for prognostic purposes; political and geographical approach to the analysis of voting results allows to identify spatial changes in voter behavior; prospects of «ecological» approach to the study of electoral behavior are associated with a combination of classical methods of «ecologicalists» with various techniques of applied analysis (including qualitative).
політико-географічний підхід context effect of G. Tingsten model of «historical trauma» by P. Bois research credo of «ecologicalists» by F. Gogel contextual («ecological») model of analysis of Siegfried’s voting political and geographical approach
Standards of Proof as a Component of Procedural Fairness
The question of the searching for fairness in the different areas of our life is still being important in modern world. Fairness may have different manifestations, which complicates it’s one unambiguous interpretation. Such situation are needed the endless seek of the practical fairness in the every individual administrative cases for the harmonious development of the entire judicial system, which determines the relevance of the study. The aim of the article to create the knowledge about the role of the standards of proof in it’s ability to get closer to the fairness during the evaluation of the evidence as the last stage of administrative procedural proving . During the research general scientific methods were used, including analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, concretization, analogy, systemstructural method. A number of special methods were also used: the hermeneutic method for understanding and interpreting legal norms ; terminological and systematic methods to characterize the principle of justice; the axiological method helped to analyze justice as a universal value; the functional method helped to identify the function and role of the standards of proof in the way of establishing fairness in the evaluation of evidence in the administrative process. The logic of the presentation of the studied material. The ability of the fairness to correlate with the the principle of pluralism of truth were established. The fact that historical origins of universal values are not important for their consolidation at the level of fundamental principles of law were proved. The importance to adherence of the principle of justice not only in lawmaking but also in law enforcement were researched. The place of the standards of proof to be an important component of procedural (procedural) justice were detected Conclusions. Standards of proof contribute to the achievement of the justice’s ideals as they serve as a guide for the judge in the distribution and execution of the burden of proof. The higher the value of a certain value for society, the higher the standard of proof used and vice versa.
загальнолюдські цінності evaluation of evidence principle of law universal value верховенство права rule of law
Firearms and Related Crimes in Poland and Selected European Countries
This article is based on an overview of the legislation on access to firearms in Poland and European countries, as well as an overview of the figures on the number of gun crime. The aim of the article is to present the regulations governing access to firearms in Poland and selected European countries.
Information Provision of Fire Safety in the Aspect of Social Governance with the Unified State System of Civil Protection
The topic’s urgency is due to the need to improve the mechanisms of information security of fire safety in terms of management of a unified state system of civil protection, the need to give priority to the processes of informatization of management in ensuring civil protection of Ukraine. The Constitution of Ukraine recognizes man, his life and health, honour and dignity, inviolability and security as the highest social value. The establishment and protection of human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the state. In view of this, one of the priorities of state policy is to protect the population from fires and ensure appropriate fire safety measures. Information activities are considered as a necessary component of the organization of public administration in the field of civil protection and the work of management and specialists, the implementation of tasks directly related to the regulation of security processes. The focus on the issues of information support of civil protection, in particular fire safety, is determined by the fact that in modern conditions the need to strengthen the effectiveness of state control measures in this area is of particular importance. The main approaches to solving the problems of improving the management of the unified state system of civil protection, its information and legal support are outlined. It is emphasized that the regulation of the social sphere is one of the main functions of the state. In the social sphere of the state, civil protection has such functions as political and legal. Emphasis is placed on the use of positive experience of European countries, which have implemented preventive measures based on a risk-oriented approach that is directly related to information security of fire safety. The need to improve the information and legal support of the processes of implementation of strategic objectives of protection of national interests of Ukraine in the field of civil protection is taken into account. It is emphasized that in modern conditions the implementation of an effective information policy during emergencies of man-made, social and natural nature is of particular importance. It is recognized that it is impossible to ignore threats in the field of national security of Ukraine, the need to monitor emergencies, which due to the causes and scale of spread are not limited to the borders of one state. Emphasis is placed on the mechanisms of information response of Ukraine to emergencies of this scale, as well as the fact that the mechanism of crisis response and management should be supported by various institutional and procedural mechanisms within unified information system, Crisis Platform, which may be activated during threats, and provide an immediate response to them. Fire safety information is related to the problem of timely response to threats arising from crises (civil and military) outside it.
соціальне управління emergency fire safety information activity social management public administration
International Legal Adjusting of Providing of Aviation Safety: The State and Prospects of Development Within the Framework of General Theoretical Research
The article deals with crimes against air transport, which can be divided into two groups: seizures of aircraft and other crimes against civil aviation safety. The normative and legal definition of the classification of international crimes, disagreement in legal qualification and terminological definition of these crimes under the legislation of foreign states, as well as the lack of practical application of legal norms of conventions in combating international crimes, in part of the extradition, creates certain difficulties for the legislation. further extradition of persons hiding from investigation and court in a foreign state. In the crime of international character, similar to the internal state, the composition of the crime of international character is allocated, which is a set of objective and subjective features, based on which individuals attracted to criminal responsibility. But it should be noted that the elements of the crime of international character do not always coincide with elements of a crime in domestic criminal law. Basic normative acts aimed at providing aviation safety, operate on three levels: global level (International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), basic documents: Crimes Convention and some other acts committed on board aircraft (Tokyo, 1963) ; Convention on the fight against illegal capture of aircraft (GAAGA, 1971); Convention on the fight against illegal acts directed against the safety of civil aviation (Montreal, 1971); Protocol on the fight against acts of violence at airports serving civil aviation (Montreal, 1988, complements the Montreal Convention in 1971); Convention on the marking of plastic explosives in order to detect (Montreal, 1991); Convention on the fight against illegal acts concerning international civil aviation (Beijing, 2010) ; regional level (European Aviation Security Agency (EASA), European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), European and North Atlantic Bureau of ICAO (Paris), Found Documents – Politics of the European Civil Aviation Conference in Aviation Safety; National Level – State Aviation Administration (SAA), Basic Documents: Air Code of Ukraine of 19.05.2011, Law of Ukraine “On the State Program of Aviation Safety of Civil Aviation” dated 20.02.2003, Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine No. 390 dated May 11, 2007, instructions for assessing the risk of security of civil aviation of Ukraine.
illegal intervention in the activity of civil aviation capture of an aircraft violation of aviation safety reporting explicitly false information and creation thus the threat of aircraft safety in Flight destruction or damage to aeronautical equipment or interference with its operation destruction of an aircraft implementation of an act of violence against a person international crime international aviation safety international crimes
Directions of Improving the Efficiency of the System of Measures of General Social Prevention of Terrorist Acts in the Ukraine
The article is devoted to improving the effectiveness of the system of measures of general social prevention of terrorist acts at the national, regional and local levels. It was emphasized that the prevention of terrorist acts at the national, regional and local levels is a key area that allows the most humane, with the least harm to the state and society, to address the problem of combating this phenomenon. The content of «general social prevention of terrorist acts» is revealed. It is proposed to understand «general social prevention of terrorist acts» as a system of measures that promotes the anti-criminogenic potential of the state, society and all institutions, and most importantly – the formation of a positive criminological situation, improving security of life and reducing existing terrorist threats. It is concluded that the system of measures of general social prevention of terrorist acts at the national, regional and local levels should be built to taking into account all financial and resource opportunities and specifics of specific administrative-territorial units, as well as: should be targeted, planned and systemic. settlement; should affect almost all spheres of society; should be aimed at neutralizing criminogenic factors in the of the environment that affect the emergence and implementation of terrorist acts, through the consolidated efforts of all, without exception, the subjects of preventive activities; Competent entities must take into account the territorial and spatial specifics of a particular settlement (its natural resources, historical features of the economy, proximity to the border, level of economic development, ethnic composition of the population, etc.); Competent entities should take into account the architectural design and planning of individual urban planning facilities, which will help to establish effective control over the state of public safety and public order, as well as prevent terrorist attacks; should cover a range of: socio-economic, political, ideological, organizational and managerial, psychological and educational, legal, informational and socio-cultural activities. It is proved that the activity of local self-government bodies, which promote the implementation of targeted and comprehensive programs to improve the security of the entire population and reduce the level of existing threats, including terrorist, is of particular importance in the development and implementation of social measures to prevent terrorist acts at the local and regional levels.
city program prevention of terrorism anti-terrorist measures subjects of prevention of terrorist acts large city measures of general social prevention terrorist act region state
Representation of National Minorities of Poland in the Bodies of State Power
The question of the participation of all the public groups of the country in representative bodies of all levels is relevant to any state. However, the most difficult task is to represent the representative body of interests of national minorities. Different countries have come up with a different solution to this issue. The problem of the representation of national minorities in the authorities is for both traditionally multi-ethnic states and for countries that are reasonably homogeneous in the ethnic plan. This problem will persist as long as there are nations, nationalities, national minorities. People always seek to identify themselves with a particular community, and national identification is the most acceptable. The threat of assimilation of national minorities greatly enhances the desire to preserve its national identity, which always goes into the area of political relations and the need for political decision-making. This article analyzes the current problem of representation of national minorities in the legislative bodies of the Republic of Poland. The aim of the study was to analyze the participation of minority groups in the political (in particular, electoral) process of the state through the formation of ethnic elites and ethnopolitical parties. To complete the selected topic, the following tasks were set: to substantiate the place and the role of national minorities in the socio-political life of the state, to analyze the creation of political parties by individual national minorities and their participation in parliamentary and municipal elections. It is concluded that at the present stage all nationalities living in Poland are disproportionately represented in the state legislative bodies.
politicization of ethnicity national legislation The Republic of Poland electoral processes national minorities parliament
Parliamentarism in the Context of Political Transit: The Czech Republic’s Experience
For the first time in the Ukrainian political science, considers the development of parliamentarism in the Czech Republic in a context of political transit in a comprehensive manner. It indicates the ambiguity and complexity of the process of parliamentary democracy’s functioning in the country. The main stages of the Czech parliamentary institutions’ establishment have been identified. The key tendencies and the peculiarities of the current Czech parliamentarism modernisation have been defined. The constitutional and legal status of the Parliament of the Czech Republic has been outlined and its place in the existing checks and balances system determined; the Czech Parliament party structuring characteristics have been determined and the most important factors of the coalition formation potential of parliamentary fractions have been revealed; based on the empirical indicators, the party system’s stability and efficiency in the Czech Republic have been investigated. The fundamental principles of the liberal parliamentarism concept (Ch.L.Montesquieu, John Locke, John Mill) have served as the theoretical and methodological basis for these article, which considers the power division to be the main principle of the state system, in which the executive power is accountable and subject to the legislative power. In order to achieve the tasks, the author used general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) as well as special politilogical methods. The methods of induction and deduction have been used in formulating the concept of “political transit” and its constituent elements. The comparativehistorical method gave the defender of the thesis the opportunity to understand the main directions of parliamentary institutions’ development at different historical stages of the Czech statehood and identify the factors that influenced the change in their status. The system method allowed to assess the constitutional and legal status of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, primarily its place and role in the political system of society and the relationship with other bodies of state power. On the whole, we can assume that the experience of the parliamentarism functioning in the Czech Republic is of great practical significance for Ukraine and other post-communist states, since it gives a stimulus to the society and ruling elites of these countries to further improve and develop their political institutions.
political pluralism parliamentary democracy the Senate House of Representatives democratization, parliamentary elections government
«Political Type» of an Active Woman in the Pages of Polish Women’s Magazines in Lviv «Ster», «Przedświt», «Ziarno»
The urgency of the topic of the scientific article is due to modern political science, gender and national studies of women’s movements in European countries, including the Polish women’s movement, which began and developed in Lviv, along with the Ukrainian women’s movement. The aim of the article is to analyze and review the issues of Polish women’s magazines published in Lviv in the XIX century in order to clarify the main topics, conscious paradigms of the Polish women’s movement, value concepts of Polish women’s periodicals, transformation of views on women’s political role in traditional societyб her participation in public and state life through radical journalism. The scientific article analyzes the negative stereotypes about the traditional role of women in public life on the example of Polish women’s magazines «Ster», «Przedświt» and «Ziarno», published in Lviv in the XIX century. It was found that the traditional views on the role of women are outdated, while the pages of Polish women’s magazines promote: women’s education, self-education, creative realization of women as individuals. The traditional formula for women in society, which has been reduced to marriage and the birth of children, has been criticized for being superficial. In the columns of Polish women’s publications of the 19th century in Lviv, a significant place was given to women’s education and the formation of national and political education, which indicates the «serious» nature of these publications rather than the entertainment that dominated Polish women’s periodicals. In the articles of Polish women’s publications of the early twentieth century, a new type of woman is formed − the «political type» of a woman who is not indifferent to the political life of her people and her country. It is this feature that characterizes women’s periodicals as the political dominant in the materials of magazines. Research methods. The study used a set of general and special methods: the method of conceptual analysis in determining the Polish women’s movement; thematic analysis in determining the main topics of the publications «Ster», «Przedświt» and «Ziarno»; synthesis in the study of methods and forms of strug- gle of active women for their political rights. Results and conclusions. The active political role of a woman-citizen is a conscious concept of the Polish women’s press, which was expressed in debunking active women of negative stereotypes about the passivity of women.
women’s education women’s self-education women’s economic rights a new type of women emancipated publications Polish gender movement radical journalism
Music of the “Anthem of Ukraine” by M. Verbytsky in the Words of P. Chubynsky: Spiritual Symbols
The study is devoted to the main musical symbol of the Ukrainian people. It is revealed that the work has a high prophetic symbolism regarding the evolutionary development of the country. The method of analysis of the spiritual content of melodies helps to identify a systematic objectification of its potential, based on the category of “spiritual reality”, and is considered from a musicological point of view. The melody reveals a symphonic technique of proto-intonation development. The genre basis of the melody is prayer. The system reproduces the basis of musical drama of Ukrainian folklore. The method of microminiature art, typical of Ukrainian folk masters, is embodied. The methodological basis helps to focus on the development of the sacredness of space-time content. The program potential of this work is able to lead the transformation of the spiritual state of man. Sacred symbols are placed in the center of energy development. The music conveys the idea of a renewed pulse. The people recognize Nature as the Temple in which man exists. The world of spirituality is sanctified by its living perception. The music of the “Anthem of Ukraine” perfectly combines the world and consciousness of people who woke up from eternal slavery. The melody contains courage and tenderness, firmness of spirit and faith in a good awareness of Truth and Joy. The cosmic law of consonance, the law of analogy is embodied. In the microstructure of the thematic core of the melody there is a point and its energy “engine” – dotted rhythm, a microelement of the iambic foot of the One Whole, which serve as two symbolic parameters of the formed core of themes. They perform in the energy layer the fundamental microfunction of the level of the heart, the function of the highest prayer to the Spirit, which helps the manifestation of spiritual consciousness in the density of the musical structure. the masculinity of the major is affirmed and ends with the gentle, feminine softness of the parallel minor, which indicates the systematic fluctuations of their paired periodicity in melodic-syntactic structures. A peculiar system of expressive symbolism of artistic and figurative drama of Ukrainian folklore, a reflection of the powerful genre of youth lyrics, the core of the spiritual greatness of culture, which is still preserved in the folk traditions of family education. The most popular image of the Mother of God is inspired by the Ukrainian prayer site, a sacred symbol of the famous icons “Protection of the Blessed Virgin” of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. The highest feminine principle encourages the protection of the male community, the whole nation, endows the Almighty with an effective symbol of patriotism, covers with its omophorion, gathers an army of men on the battlefield, the sanctity of monasticism, which protects spiritually. Intuitively and intelligently, the composer-priest conveyed that the invisible Hierarchy of Light stood up for the protection of hearts that dream and know of dignity and honor, honesty and spiritually high justice in the reality of earthly existence.
law of consonance symphonic method art of microminiature golden section prayer hymn
Cepelix on the Central Square. Citizens of Nowa Huta as folk arts & crafts creators
The goal of this paper is to expose and analyze the contemporary folklore of the industrial discrit of Kraków called Nowa Huta. „City without God”, how it was created and named, played a significant role in the Polish resistant movement during communist times. Stories of that period are crucial for Nowa Huta citizens, first of all for their indentity, but also for district’s image and marketing. Since the post-war times there is a shop „Cepelia” placed in Central Square of Ronald Reagan in Nowa Huta, Kraków. CPLiA (Centrala Przemysłu Ludowego i Artystycznego, what means: Headquarters of the Folk and Artistic Industry) all the communist period long was govermental branch responsible for folk arts & crafts. In fact it was a huge buissnes employing over 20 000 people to design, create and sell folk art which pleased the socialist party. The shop in Nowa Huta was one connected to this network, however after political transformation in 90s of 20th centrury it changed as well. Cepelia became Cepelix. Nowadays (research was conducted in 2014 and 2022) one can find there some folk art, but also modern design connected to the district indentity and history. Paper contains an analysys of this new assortment and tryies to answer the question is it possible to treat it as a folklore as well as the other items being sold there?
CPLiA Cepelia oral history city folklore Nowa Huta folklore Krakow ethnography
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