Kilka uwag na temat statusu prawnego eurodeputowanego
- Year of publication: 2006
- Source: Show
- Pages: 65-77
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/10/ksm200604.pdf
A Few Remarks on the Legal Status of a Euro Deputy
The article “A Few Remarks on the Legal Status of a Euro Deputy” presents the regulations for a deputy defined in the European Parliament.
The first part deals with the guarantee institutions provided in legal acts. The areas covered by an immunity are specified here in detail, accompanied by an explanation of the purpose of a particular privilege. The explanation of immunities is enriched by examples from Polish politics and hypothetical situations of when and how a deputy can be protected, also financially.
The second part is concerned with the implementation criminal responsibility of a Euro deputy. It presents the procedure of a possible accusation of a deputy, of setting aside of an immunity, also with the support of examples.
The third part analyses specific mechanisms of regulation of the European parliamentary system, giving primacy to the OLAF institution to protect the finances of the Union. It specifies the relation of the office to fight corruption and fraud to e.g. immunities and obligation to cooperate with the parliament.