Poziom rolniczej produkcji roślinnej w UE
- Year of publication: 2006
- Source: Show
- Pages: 167-191
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200610
- PDF: ksm/10/ksm200610.pdf
The Level of the Agricultural Vegetal Production in the EU
The obtainment of the synthetic measure of the level of the agricultural production development requires the employment of methods taking into considerations both, the peculiarity and problem multidimensionality. The statistical comparative multidimensional analyses may meet this expectations. The comparisons implicate the diagnosis of objects’ state, and also the relations between them. The use of quantitative methods guarantees the analysis objectivism and this allows to avoid of subjective explorer’s opinions. These methods make possible the accomplishment of the evaluation and the comparison of objects characterized with considerable number of features.
The comparative study within the agricultural sector enables: the estimation of the production effects, the desirable directions indication of the input enlarging to improve the effects, being the basis of rationalization in this area. Additionally, comparative analyses can become the basis of the homogenous groups separation with regard on essential features.
The study exemplifies an attempt at the synthetic formulation of the comparative analysis of agricultural plant production levels and their efficiency represented by crops indicators. The investigation was conducted among UE members states as well as two Candidate Countries – Bulgaria and Romania.
The study focuses on the methodology of the statistical comparative analysis within the agri-sector when a considerable number of features with different unit of measure characterize the objects.