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Polityka komunistów wobec Stronnictwa Demokratycznego w województwie krakowskim w pierwszej połowie 1948 r..

  • Author: Tomasz Skrzyński
  • Year of publication: 2006
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 221-236
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200613
  • PDF: ksm/10/ksm200613.pdf

Communists’ Policy Towards Stronnictwo Demokratyczne (Democratic Party) in the Province of Cracow in the First Half of 1948

In the given period the SD (acronym for Stronnictwo Demokratyczne, Democratic Party) position on the political scene deteriorated considerably. Efforts to adapt the party to the situation did not change the negative attitude to SD on the side of lots of local PPR (Communist Party) activists. A lot of SD members were forced to join PPR. Actions of SD leaders against such moves by PPR activists were ineffective. Activities of UB (secret police) increased. SD structures had to follow communists’ guidelines and keep in close contact with PPR. Position of SD members in companies and different organizations deteriorated. The communists ordered ousting a row of activists from SD youth organization.
Among others, SD was used by PPR in their politics towards PPS (socialist party) and to control the school system. Quite often the size as well as the name list of SD share in different structures were agreed without SD representatives’ being present.

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