Oddziaływanie przekazu reklamowego w świetle odkryć psychologii konsumenta
- Year of publication: 2007
- Source: Show
- Pages: 128-146
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200709
- PDF: ksm/11/ksm200709.pdf
The subject of the article is advertising as a tempting medium, which affects consumers with the use of various types of tricks and strategies. The main theses of the paper focus on the examination of problems of psychological effect of medial communications on their receptacle. In this context traditional models of advertising effect, i.e. informative, decisive and one line become disputed. Basing on the latest achievements of research on human perception the Authors draw attention to the functionality of two modernized models: Memory-Affect-Cognition (MAC) by Tim Ambler and Low Involvement Processing Model (LAP) by Robert Heath. Th e theories which formed within the consumer psychology and advertising explain the effect of what goes on in human brain on human decisions and make us understand that human behaviours are partial and changeable since each individual has their own needs, aims and methods by which they achieve them, whereas the final decision is influenced by such elements as memory, attention, experiences or motivation. In result, as suggested by the authors of the article entitled: The effect of advertising in the light of discoveries of consumer psychology, contemporary advertising will more often use hidden cajoling techniques instead of rational persuasion.