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Analiza prasy lokalnej w Bochni

  • Author: Maria Liszka
  • Year of publication: 2007
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 238-259
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200716
  • PDF: ksm/11/ksm200716.pdf

The papers analyses the selected titles of local press published in Bochnia and its poviat area. In Bochnia whose inhabitants amount to thirty thousand, are the press of seven separate publications. The authoress selected two periodicals out of the seven. These were: „Ziemia Bocheńska” (Bochnia Region) and „Kronika Bocheńska” (Bochnia Chronicle). Both periodicals perform important functions in the local community including those of informational, integrating and stimulative ones as well as those related to control. In the opinion of the authoress it is mostly from the press that the citizens learn of the activities of local authorities and of various manifestations of social life. What the authoress also observes is the influcuce that the media have on local self – governmental authorities. She concludes that the local community used to compare the content of the press with the current developments and opinions on them. The history of local press in Bochnia dates back to the XIXth Century but its growth took place in the inter – war time (1918–1939). Following the democratic transformation of 1989 the Bochnia press became the conscious creator of local democracy and civic society. Th e press had its share encouraging social activities and became the plane upon which various views may be presented. It also is instrumental of exercising the control vis-a-vis local authorities.

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