Spis treści
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 3-4
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: ksm/37/ksm37toc.pdf
My case study examines an issue of Slovak occupation of the northern parts of Spisz and Orava regions in years 1939–1945 in the narration of the „Nový svet” – weekly newspaper. Slovak Army`s participation in invasion of Poland in September 1939 was an important topic for press all over that new country. Media platforms were informing their readers about military successes and diplomatic arrangements. In the article I analyse the process of creating propaganda narrative about attack, annexation and then administration over the conquered lands. The weekly was richly illustrated, so I write about role of the text as well as the picture. It should be remembered that many Slovaks were still illiterate at that time. The article considers if the narration has changed over the years.
Słowacja Spisz i Orawa w latach 1939–1945 okupacja aneksja prasa propaganda Spisz and Orava, 1939–1945 slovakia occupation annexation press
The article found that the Ukrainian diaspora was an integral component of Ukrainian ethnic integrity. Numerous public, cultural and educational institutions created by emigrants in their places of residence stood guard over Ukrainian national interests and, despite all obstacles, conducted fruitful cooperation with Ukrainians in the Motherland. In order to preserve and develop the Ukrainian language, representatives of the diaspora paid great attention to the release of the Ukrainian printed word into the world. Due to total censorship in the Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainians abroad contributed to the publication abroad of many Ukrainian works that were banned in Ukraine. By means of international tourism, international student exchange, and world radio broadcasting, contacts between Ukrainian and foreign youth were gradually established, and the spheres of communication expanded. The main task of the Ukrainian diaspora was to preserve the ethnic and cultural identities of the Ukrainian nation, and consolidate the scattered emigration forces for the sole purpose of preparing a political and professional basis for the acquisition of an independent, cathedral Ukrainian state.
Ukrainian diaspora Ukrainian nation Ukraine national interests cooperation communication Soviet state totalitarianism censorship
Solutions for the integration of children and youth in Cracow’s schools after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Conclusions from the pilot study
The article presents the conclusions of a pilot survey study conducted in Cracow in September 2022. The author makes a diagnosis of educational activities undertaken in the municipality of Cracow, in the period from February 25 to June 30, 2022 (in the first four months from the outbreak of the war in Ukraine). She confronts them with the conclusions of in-depth interviews conducted with experts in the field of integration. Solutions regarded as “good practices”, such as additional Polish language lessons, psychological and pedagogical assistance, educational departments and intercultural assistantship, are rated the best. However, children and young people with refugee experience have little chance of learning the language, culture and geography of their country of origin. We can also indicate a few critical moments of the integration process (so-called rich points) that generate tensions in intercultural communication. These include ambivalent attitudes towards migrant children, youth and their parents. On the one hand, representatives of the majority of society show empathy and provide real help, on the other hand, they accuse migrants of being demanding and indecisive. The most difficult situation is currently faced by young people who do not know the Polish language and are forced to take exams in this language at the end of subsequent stages of education. This age group is particularly vulnerable to marginalization. The conclusions from the study also indicated areas requiring further, in-depth evaluation.
asystent międzykulturowy intercultural assistant migracja edukacja Education migration
Contemporary Russian propaganda and the war in Ukraine
The article is an attempt to analyze contemporary Russian propaganda through the prism of the war in Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to assess the effectiveness of contemporary Russian propaganda in this area. The research was based on a qualitative methodology with the use of a source analysis strategy. Research showed the contemporary Russian propaganda has a significant impact on the perception of the war in Ukraine among Russians – although its effectiveness is showing a decrease.
propaganda Russia war Ukraine impact Rosja wojna Ukraina wpływ
Derive the importance of foreign direct investment in the world, particularly in the developing countries. FDI is critical for the developing countries which need multinational funding and expertise to expand, give structure, and guide their will to boost manufacturing and service sectors. Due to its role in promoting the growth and development wheel, providing financial resources complementary to national savings, and contributing to the transfer of technology and skills associated with modern production methods, it has emerged as one of the most significant sources of support for development. As the deteriorating economic conditions of developing countries did not leave them with many options or other solutions, their only option was to open their economies. The research touches on multiple subjects such as: Statistical Decision Theory by using statistical data to prove some of the research points, Multidimensional Statistical Analysis, Financial Econometrics which includes the financial related remarks as GDP part of the research, etc. In this sense, the goals of this paper are to highlight the importance of FDI in achieving the development in developing countries.
foreign direct investments economic development developing countries
Already existing sources considering women and ethnic minorities in Russian Federation point out to the inequity in treating these groups on the Russian labor market. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent war between Russia and Ukraine arises question whether situation of previously discriminated groups has changed? Not only this is crucial for considered groups due to the crisis caused by the pandemic but also due to growing needs of the Russian army and another crisis caused by international sanctions. In this paper authors using desk research describe already existing position of women and ethnic minorities on the labor market in Russia and answer the question whether these social groups are treated equally in comparison to other groups existing on the labor market. This article also presents analysis of potential change in the approach to groups considered in the presented research.
Russia labor market ethnic discrimination ethnic minorities women
The importance of relations with Australia and New Zealand as part of the UK’s post-Brexit engagement in the Indo-Pacific region
In the geopolitical situation in which Great Britain found itself after its withdrawal from the European Union in 2020, it was necessary to develop a new foreign and security policy strategy. The flagship concept of ‘Global Britain’ assumes the reorientation of the United Kingdom outside Europe and greater involvement in the security architecture of the Indo-Pacific region. The article examines to what extent the intention to strengthen relations with as likeminded partners in the Indo-Pacific region coincides with the assumptions of Australian and New Zealand policies. It has been shown that the former British dominions, which are part of the so-called Anglosphere, have been given a vital role in securing the UK’s position as a world leader. From the perspectives of the national interest of both countries, rebuilding ties with the former empire is considered an important strategic element, although giving it a priority in the current geopolitical realities is not possible. Australia and New Zealand put special emphasis on developing cooperation with the Indo-Pacific countries.
United Kingdom Australia New Zealand Indo - Pacific Brexit Global Britain
Feminist deconstruction of the traditional image of women in Qiu Jin’s works
Women’s issues are a significant subject of study in the realm of Chinese literature. In many works, it can be seen to oppose stereotypes or norms imposed on the female gender and to take measures leading to the emancipation of the individual. Such literature is symptomatic of a desire for change in society, that is, the overthrow of the patriarchal system and the introduction of equal rights between the sexes. An example of such prose is the works of China’s first feminist, Qiu Jin, who decided to fight for women’s rights. She was sentenced to death for her revolutionary activities. However, her texts introduced a completely new image of women into the public sphere - different from the one that had been reproduced for hundreds of years in ancient China. The poet chose to endow her heroines with charisma, courage, intelligence and the will to fight for a better life. Her aim was to make women aware of their situation in life, their social role, and to encourage them to leave the male-dominated world. Michalina Koniuk, in the chapter “Feminist Deconstruction of the Traditional Image of Woman in Qiu Jin’s Works”, proposes to analyse Qiu Jin’s works and present that the characters created by the writer oppose and destroy the image of the obedient and uneducated woman that existed in ancient China. First, the social role imposed on women in Chinese society has been described, namely that of obedient daughter, wife and daughter-in-law. The requirements and rules expected of Chinese women have been presented, and how Confucian norms contributed to the belittling of women’s role and position in Chinese society. As the poet was inspired by her own life experiences, Qiu Jin’s life were briefly introduced. Her childhood, during which the first signs of dissatisfaction with the obligations and social norms imposed on girls could be observed. An unsuccessful marriage mobilised the feminist to fight for women’s rights, to oppose the doctrines of Confucius and to leave home and go abroad. This was a great act of courage and at the same time a struggle for freedom and independence in the life of a feminist. That part was followed by an analysis of Qiu Jin’s works, whose female characters exemplify the kind of norms and behaviours that Qiu Jin rebelled against. At the same time, these characters deconstruct the traditional image of a woman and introduce a new one of a strong and independent individual. In this chapter, all poems and quotations have been translated by the author from Chinese into Polish.
rola społeczna konfucjanizm poezja feminizm chiński social role Chinese feminism patriarchy patriarchat hierarchy hierarchia rewolucja feminizm Confucianism women’s rights feminism społeczeństwo revolution prawa kobiet Chiny kultura wolność poetry culture society freedom China
The lack of a legal framework did not prevent Ukraine from ranking third among the world leaders in the use of cryptocurrencies in 2022. In terms of the sum of indicators, Ukraine is ahead of such tech giants as the United States (5th place), China (10th place), and the United Kingdom (17th place). The purpose of the study is to identify the underlying principles for the introduction of a new legal definition of “digital things” and “digital content” and their prospects for use, which are laid down in draft laws No. 6447 and No. 6576, as initiatives that are satellites to the relevant law on virtual assets. As a reminder, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine “On Virtual Assets” No. 2074-IX on February 17, 2022. Since the adoption of Law 2074 by the Parliament of Ukraine on February 17, 2022 and until the period of 2023, significant events have taken place. They have significantly affected the plans of the Parliament of Ukraine to launch mandatory amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine provided for in the Draft Law 7150 and simultaneously enact Law 2074 from October 1, 2022. The study was based on the analysis of the legislative framework of Ukraine, the European Union and other international acts, including those ratified by the Parliament of Ukraine. The study has led to a number of conclusions. Draft Law No. 6447 introduces the definition of a “digital thing” that is in circulation only in digital form; these include virtual assets, digital content, online accounts, money and securities that exist exclusively in digital form. Its adoption will help potential consumers to protect their rights to digital content, online accounts, virtual assets, even money and securities that exist exclusively in digital form. Comparing the concepts of “digital thing” and “digital content” proposed by draft laws No. 6447 and No. 6576, we found signs of legal tautology in determining what is primary and what is secondary. The addition of the words “digital content” to Article 177 of the Civil Code and the expansion of the concept of a thing to “material and digital things” is at least more declarative.
money surrogate electronic money bitcoin fintech virtual assets cryptocurrency
The article reveals the methodological significance of legal constructions and shows their influence on the interpretation of legal norms. It has been found that legal construction is one of the epistemological tools of legal science and means of interpreting legal norms in the process of their implementation. A concentrated expression of the possible conditions of law enforcement determines the methodological significance of legal constructions during the interpretation of legal norms. The legal construction is shown as a set of stable connections of the object, which ensure its integrity and identity. Emphasis is placed on the fact that intraindustry and inter-industry connections of legal norms allow law to preserve its properties as a regulatory in the face of internal and external changes, to be stable and stable. The existence of a stable structure determines the existence of law as a system is a condition for the existence of law. The author came to the conclusion that in order to optimize legal interpretation activity, it is necessary to improve the process of eliminating defects in legal constructions. The ambiguity and inconsistency of legal constructions is a consequence of the increase in the number of scientific terms, special expressions, contradictions and gaps in the normative material. The reason for this is hasty normative design without compliance with the requirements of legal technique. With the help of legal constructions, insightful, detailed and in-depth clarification of the content of legal norms is carried out.
estoppel normative design non-contradiction legal technique law enforcement law-making
The natural resource sector has become a dominant part of the Russian economy and thus affected the political developments of the state greatly. Understanding of the interplay of Russian politics and economics after the fall of the Soviet Union is integral for understanding why Russia has developed steadily into a more autocratic direction during the past few decades. The phenomenon through which we will be analyzing the intertwining of political and economic spheres of Russia is the natural resource curse concept. We seek to understand what factors have contributed to Russia’s failure to avoid the natural resource curse and give examples on how the natural resource curse manifests itself especially in today’s Russia political reality. Does the abundance of natural resources contribute to the emergence of a hyper-presidential, autocratic regime in Russia?
Russian economy Russian politics natural resources Russian Federation energy Russia
Undoubtedly, Russia occupies a distinct position within the political landscape, differentiating it from Western democracies that themselves exhibit considerable variation. This uniqueness can be attributed, in part, to Russia’s geographic characteristics, encompassing diverse subdivisions characterized by variations in population, natural resources, territorial expanse, and distance from the central authority. However, what truly distinguishes Russia is its contemporary history and recent experiences with federalization— a framework that has defined its operations since it became the Russian Federation following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The objective of this paper is to analyze the distinctive features of Russian federalism in its early stages, employing a comparative perspective against the Spanish case, in order to ascertain the consequences of the legal, organizational, and territorial arrangements established during Russia’s early democratization period. The focus is to evaluate the implications of these changes on the establishment of a legally-binding democracy and a well-functioning federation, ultimately questioning whether Russia genuinely qualifies for either of these classifications.
autocracy federal system federation Russian Federation Federal States politics democracy Russia
Economic relations between Russia and China have been growing over the years. Of particular importance in Russia-China economic relations is the gas and oil trade. Russia has the world’s largest natural resources, while China is the world’s largest energy consumer. In 2014, an agreement was reached to build a new gas pipeline and increase gas exports to China. If the planned volume of gas can be exported to China on a stable basis, Russia will be able to supplement some of the economic sanctions imposed by the West. However, there is much uncertainty as to whether China can be a stable export destination for Russia. There is a significant gap in the trade scale between Russia and China and asymmetrical dependence in the relationship between them. In addition, international pipeline projects have substantial financial and time costs, and the two countries; intentions sometimes differ. The purpose of this research is to clarify the current state of trade interdependence between Russia and China and to study whether China can be a stable economic partner for Russia. This paper consists of three main parts, with an introduction and conclusions. The first part explains an overview of trade and asymmetric interdependence between Russia and China. It then analyses the anticipated benefits and vulnerabilities of increased Russian gas exports to China. The third section investigates the uncertainties of China as a gas importer in terms of China’s dependence on Russia.
French colonial policy in West Africa
This article is an attempt to analyze French colonialism in West Africa. The author focuses on the characteristics of the colonial thought of Paris, and outlines the most important concepts (tools) necessary for the study of this issue. She also marks the influence of history on the current territorial division of the French Republic and spheres of influence in West Africa. The history of the former French colonies, both after gaining independence and at current time, is also presented, and the features of the contemporary politics of the former metropolis are outlined.
kolonializm asymilacja Francja Africa Afryka colonialism France assimilation
The United States and Saudi Arabia in the light of ‘Abd ar-Raḥman Munīf’s City of Salt and Dave Eggers’ Hologram for King – a question about the costs of economic progress
The article analyzes two literary works: At-Tīh (The Lost), the first part of the five-volume Mudun al-milḥ (Cities of Salt, 1984–1989) series by Saudi writer ‘Abd ar-Raḥmān Munīf, and the novel A Hologram for the King (2012) by American writer Dave Eggers. The plot of both novels is set in Saudi Arabia. Both works are interesting studies of the mechanisms behind economic expansion and the impact of technological progress on the societies of the particular regions. However, both novels are characterized by a different historical and cultural perspective. Saudi Arabia illustrated in Minīf’s novel at the beginning of the oil age appears to be a completely different political and economic formation than the modern wealthy Saudi Kingdom illustrated in Eggers’ novel. The position of American capital and industry in the world economy in the first half of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century is also different. The geopolitical situation has also changed over the past decades: a new major player – China – has emerged among the economic powers. Despite these differences the analysis of both novels shows that the mechanisms ruling economic expansion remain unchanged and its costs to societies and individuals are difficult to assess. Both works also raise questions about the extent of modernization processes and cultural transformation, as well as the persistence of values, behavior patterns and thought patterns, which reveal their presence especially where the confrontation between the Eastern and Western World takes place.
petrofiction postęp ekonomiczny petroproza Dave Eggers ‘Abd ar-Raḥmān Munīf Stany Zjednoczone Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudyjska economic development United States
Memories of a Polish school girl exiled to Siberia in the post-war period in the perspective of documents
Background: The article aims to present the fate of children sent with their families to the Soviet Union in the post-war years, preserved in the memory and private collections of Janina Góral (de domo Nesterowicz). The interview touches on such topics as Soviet crimes, conditions in Siberia, the denationalization of Polish children, the struggle against religion, rape – including an example of a mass rape whose victims and perpetrator are still alive – and attempts to cope with inhuman realities. The collected materials also describe the reality of Soviet school, daily and family life of exiled Poles in Siberia. Objectives: Initially, the recording of Janina Góral’s testimony by a team of volunteers from the group Niezapomniani – Inicjatywa Brzeskiej Młodzieży Patriotycznej within the framework of the Kotwica Pokoleń project was aimed at popularizing the history of Brzeg witnesses to history. With the deepening of the research, it became a priority to compile the collected materials into one coherent narrative, which will help answer the question about the course of the deportation of the person reporting and the brutal reality she faced at that time in school and beyond. Methods: The main tool used in the research is oral history, recorded as part of the Kotwica Pokoleń project. The primary source critique was done on the basis of sources, from the private collections of the person who gave his account. These included school certificates, personnel files, schoolgirl characteristics, and documents related to the repatriation, delivery duty and work of Michal Nesterowicz, Janina’s father. Criticism was also extended to Russian and Polish literature related to the issue under study. Results: With the help of the research, the exact history of Janina Góral’s education from grades 4 to 9 was determined, the overwhelming majority of which took place in Siberia near the town of Zima. In addition to determining the living conditions and the course of the deportation, attention was paid to the various forms of oppression and dangers faced by Polish children. Conclusions: The research showed the inconsistency of Janina Góral’s account with the documentation. They also revealed the communist school system in Siberia in light of the experiences of the Polish schoolgirl, and expanded knowledge of life in forced settlements in the Soviet Union in the Irkutsk region. In addition, they revealed the crime of gang rape that occurred against two exiled Polish women and a Ukrainian woman. They also demonstrated the value of combining research conducted by the oral history method with private collections. In addition, they draw attention to the trauma that war and captivity leave in a person.
specposiołki Syberia forced settlements Siberia oral history historia mówiona edukacja Education
The impact of Far Eastern art in Poland from the late 19th to the 20th century
From the period of geographic discovery to the current era of globalization, Eastern and Western cultures have been in constant communication while being very different from one another. The Polish art scene was profoundly influenced by inspiration from the Far East from the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century, or from “Young Poland” to the modern era following World War II. At the turn of the century, interest in Japan and its art expanded from Paris to Poland. The popularity of Japanese art in Poland increased as a result of social, cultural, and even political demands. Numerous ideas in Japanese art, such as ukiyo-e woodcuts, were compatible with the philosophy of the Young Poland era and hence served as the foundation for numerous art schools. Poland and China, another Eastern nation, frequently exchange cultural and artistic works during the aforementioned period, which are evident in sectors such as painting, film, stage design, etc.
cultural and artistic exchanges Japanism Far Eastern culture Polish art wymiana kulturalna i artystyczna japonizm kultura Dalekiego Wschodu sztuka polska Chiny China
Syria 2.0? Will Burma play a similar role in the Far Eastern policy of the Russian Federation to Syria in the Kremlin’s Middle Eastern strategy?
The intensification of Russia-Myanmar relations has been one of the the unexpected consequences of Russo-Ukrainian war. For Russian Federation Burma/ Myanmar used to be a secondary partner, important only due to being the major client of the military-industrial complex. Global (semi)isolation of Russia changed these calculations, upgrading the importance of Myanmar in Russia’s foreign policy. For Naypyidaw these relations have been important since the last coup (1 February 2021), in the aftermath of the putsch Moscow became the biggest international protector of Burmese generals. Due to these two reasons Russia-Myanmar relations have reached the unprecedented high level, unseen in history of this bilateral relations.
2021 coup in Myanmar Russia–Myanmar relations Russia–Burma relations relacje Rosja–Mjanma stosunki Rosja–Birma stosunki rosyjsko-birmańskie Mjanma Birma Rosja Myanmar Burma
Russian-Pakistani relations. Political, economic and military aspects
After the collapse of the Soviet Union into 15 independent states in December 1991, including the Russian Federation, there was a real opportunity to reset relations between Moscow and Islamabad. The Russian Federation did not take advantage of the new geopolitical situation to significantly improve mutual relations in the last decade of the twentieth century. However, in the first two decades of the twenty-first century, there was an intensification of political, economic and military relations between the two countries, which fluctuated. The author focused in the article on the premises that underline the improvement of mutual relations in these three areas. The premises that have inhibited and inhibit more intensive cooperation, especially in the political and economic fields, were also presented. In the end was formulated a few conclusions.
military relations the commercial structure stosunki militarne inwestycje struktura handlowa obroty handlowe stosunki polityczne stosunki gospodarcze Indie Pakistan India Stany Zjednoczone trade turnover political relations Federacja Rosyjska the United States economic relations the Russian Federation investments
The impact of the International Tribunal for the Far East on the development of the International Humanitarian Law of Armed in the aspect of sexual violence
The Second World War caused the collapse of the rules prevailing in the world so far. The cruelty of warfare, which also affected civilians, made the international community aware that the principles of humanitarianism adopted so far are insufficient. The world demanded that war criminals be brought to justice. At that point, no international court existed to take on the challenge. Two tribunals were established – the International Military Tribunal based in Nuremberg and the International Tribunal for the Far East based in Tokyo, whose task was to try the most serious crimes committed during II World War. The civilian population, especially women, suffered from sexual violence and rape. The International Tribunal for the Far East did not remain silent on the subject of sex crimes and undertook to judge war criminals who were also responsible for rapes. The actions of the International Tribunal for the Far East were one of the first steps in history in the field of punishing the crime of rape committed during armed conflicts and influenced the development of international criminal law in this area.
International Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict Sexual violence in armed conflict International Tribunal for the Far East Międzynarodowe Prawo Humanitarne Konfliktów Zbrojnych Przemoc seksualna w konfliktach zbrojnych Międzynarodowy Trybunał dla Dalekiego Wschodu
Russian “historical policy” towards Poland. The “Anti-Katyń” issue
The Russian Federation ruled by Putin seeks to rebuild the superpower position of the USSR, formerly the Russian Empire. A certain difficulty for her is Poland’s attitude and its eastern policy. Hence the use of information warfare means to combat it, including a specific “historical policy” whose origins date back centuries. Due to the need to admit to committing the Katyn massacre, in order to weaken its meaning, the “Anti-Katyń” issue was promoted, based on the alleged genocide of Poles on Russian prisoners of war in 1919–1920. This is a propaganda invention not confirmed by historical facts.
“Anti-Katyń” prisoners of war „Anty-Katyń” jeńcy information war Historical politics Putin wojna informacyjna polityka historyczna geopolityka Federacja Rosyjska Russian Federation geopolitics
Emigration constatations by Jerzy Giedroyc and Gustaw Herling-Grudziński in 1983. French and Italian perspectives
From the beginning of the 1830s, mass emigration from Poland, not occurring on such a scale before, was noted, mainly for political reasons (especially after the defeats of the November and January uprisings). The emigration trend continued throughout practically the entire 20th century. It entered the history of Poles, especially the war and post-war period. The coming to power of the communists generated many problems. For political reasons, many dissidents sought freedom outside enslaved Poland. Many of them voluntarily and also under the compulsion of the then “people’s” government. There were two main centers of the political and cultural life of the Polish diaspora – in London and Paris. The Literary Institute, with its founder Jerzy Giedroyc and collaborator Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, played a significant role in the post-war period. Both, despite having different experiences and visions of a free and independent Poland, unanimously saw emigration as a specific form of struggle against the communist regime in Poland. They saw help and weapons in this struggle in the spoken and written word, through which they influenced both the Polish diaspora in many countries and their compatriots in Poland, which was subjugated by communists. They noticed the entire complexity of the problems faced by Polish emigrants, especially those arriving abroad at the beginning of the 1980s. Their accurate diagnoses and advice were not always accepted by the Polish diaspora. The interviews with them in a retrospective form reflect the atmosphere and spirit of the difficult and complex reality of that time.
political struggle Jerzy Giedroyc Polonia Gustaw Herling-Grudziński Emigration
Organizations and institutions in Munich for refugees – selected aspects
Russia’s war in Ukraine has been ongoing since 2014, but initially Russian actions took the form of a hybrid war. Ukraine was in peaceful relations with the rest of the world when Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimea without a declaration of war and waged war in Donbass. Its full-scale scope, launched on February 24, 2022, was unprecedented in post-war Europe and caused several million people living in the invaded country to leave Ukrainian territory. The purpose of this article is to show how organizations and institutions in Munich are addressing the influx of refugees into the city, including refugees from Ukraine. As a research hypothesis, it was assumed that in Germany, including Munich, the German experience of 2015 and subsequent years in accepting newcomers from the Middle East played a huge role in solving the problems of refugees from Ukraine after February 24, 2022. The basic research problems are contained in questions such as: what changes in asylum law have been made in Germany by the federal government; who in the city of Munich is entitled to assistance and what benefits does it cover?; what is the assistance to refugees provided by the Office for Housing and Migration in Munich?; what does the Office for the Prevention of Homelessness do?; what are the tasks of the Local Mediation Office?; what are the competencies of the so-called Social Service for the Deaf?; what is the scope of activities of the Office of Return Assistance?; what are the return offices in Bavaria?; what are the activities of the Office for Intercultural Work?; what is the scope of activities of the Foreign Qualification Development Service Center? The leading research method used in the research conducted is institutionallegal analysis.
Munich full-scale war Russian aggression in Ukraine Monachium pełnoskalowa wojna agresja Rosji w Ukrainie uchodźcy Niemcy Germany refugees
Local government in the crises in the Third Polish Republic. An outline of the issue
During the majority of Polish crises, apart from the reaction of the central authorities, the responses of the local institutions were also noticeable. The very creation of local government in 1990 materialized under conditions of the profound political, social and economic crisis. In 1997, the flood revealed the weaknesses in the administration of the commune. In turn, the strength of frustration that was accumulated in many local communities, manifested itself during the agricultural protests in 1999. The global financial crisis (2008–2009) has had the mild impact on Poland, but it caused a breakdown in many communes. Similarly, the effects of social unrest during the pandemic and the wave of refugees from across the eastern border (2020–2022) were unevenly distributed. This article is an attempt to address the questions concerning its title: did the crises turn out to be more of a threat or an opportunity for local communities? To what extent have the crises revealed the specific functioning of local government? Were local councilors and municipality staff able to work effectively under the extreme circumstances? How to assess the crisis experiences in the context of legal and institutional changes.
communes (or municipalities) administration crisis local government politics
Analysis of the possibility of building a credit risk model
FinAi has undertaken a project focused on the development of an innovative credit risk model utilizing alternative data sources, such as data from social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn) and mobile phone records. This project was co-financed through the European Regional Development Fund under a funding agreement between FinAi S.A. and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR), headquartered in Warsaw. The initial phase of the project involved the collection of data and their utilization in constructing a network graph of customer relationships. Furthermore, leveraging external data as well as data managed by FinAi, specific indicators were formulated. These indicators were employed under the supervision of experts to train a predictive model that incorporated graph structures. The model thus constructed was to exhibit a higher predictive capability compared to conventional models commonly employed within the industry. The study explored the feasibility of creating a credit risk model based on the acquired data and assessed the quality of data originating from alternative sources. It was demonstrated that alternative data sources were populated for a small fraction of the population, and their quality has proven unsatisfactory. The scale of the dataset proved inadequate for establishing a robust credit risk model or attaining a competitive advantage over the models in use within banking institutions.
graphs credit wykresy modele ryzyko kredyt dane risk finanse finance data models
The seal of confession in a criminal trial vs revocation of the authority to administer the sacrament of penance in canon law
The article addresses the hitherto under-researched issue of the seal of confession in the criminal trial in the context of revoking the authority to administer the sacrament of penance in canon law. It turns out that the regulations of canon law and criminal trial are consistent in guaranteeing the inviolability of the seal of confession, known as the ‘sacramental seal’. Secrecy does not apply if the confessor is not a priest since only a priest can validly administer this sacrament. The article’s considerations also deal with other subjective and objective issues that have impact on seal of confession in canon law and criminal trial.
confessor criminal trial inadmissibility of evidence seal of confession penitent spowiednik proces karny zakaz dowodowy canon law confession tajemnica spowiedzi spowiedź prawo kanoniczne
The role of digitalization in implementing sustainable development in the context of stakeholders
Digital transformation through innovative and technological development is important for economic growth and competitiveness. Digitization also influences the development of the information society. As research shows, the subject of interest in modern society is sustainable development. The aim of the article is to identify the role of digitalization in the implementation of sustainable development in the context of stakeholders. The analysis showed that the implementation of sustainable development goals is particularly important for stakeholders who, in the era of digitalization, have much greater access to information. In turn, by disclosing the results of implementing sustainable development goals, companies can build long-term relationships with customers, local communities and other stakeholder groups, creating the basis for the future of business development.
The article examines the essence of the concept of a “service-oriented state” in the context of digitalization in Western Europe and identifies the peculiarities of its implementation in Ukraine. The concept of a service-oriented state involves a change in the approach to public sector management and transformation of the principles of relations between public authorities and citizens. The service approach in public administration primarily involves the introduction of information management technologies aimed at improving the quality of public services, enhancing social protection of the population and, ultimately, creating effective social security. The priority task of the state is to create conditions for self-realization of individuals, ensure their individual freedom and rights, and provide public services that would meet the needs of citizens. Modern digital technologies are significantly changing our lives, namely the way we produce products and services, methods and forms of education, and affect the social structure of society, the economy, politics, and the development of socio-cultural institutions. Ukraine’s priority task is to create a service-oriented state in which digital technologies would create conditions for self-realization of individuals, their individual freedom and rights, provision of quality public services, and effective social security.
electronic governance electronic government service-oriented state social security welfare state
The article examines various aspects of the use of artificial intelligence in the public administration system. In particular, the world experience of implementing intelligent technologies in management activities of the USA, China, Singapore, Japan, UAE, India, UK, Canada, Germany as leaders in the implementation of effective digital innovations in the field of public administration is considered. Attention is focused on creating favorable conditions at the state level to support initiatives for the development of artificial intelligence and determining its exceptional role in the further development of society. An analysis of Ukrainian practices of integrating artificial intelligence technologies into public administration proves that the use of digital innovations in domestic management activities is a definite pointer for the introduction and approval of relevant social, political, legal, economic, cultural norms in order to form a modern digital society, the most important element of which there is the development and active integration of artificial intelligence technologies into the management system and the formation of a «new» netocratic public administration. The article highlights key aspects of the implementation of artificial intelligence in public administration, including automation of administrative processes, data analysis, open access and exchange of information, security and protection of information, flexibility and adaptability, ensuring public participation, electronic platforms for citizen participation, identification and counteraction corruption, hybrid service systems, efficiency and innovation.
information and digital society netocratic public management digital technologies artificial intelligence integration
The Media in the Service of the Regime. The Example of Russia and Challenges to Democracy
The subject of the article are the media. The activity of the media was analyzed in the context of their use to achieve the goals of the undemocratic regime. Considerations were also made on the admissibility of limiting the freedom of the media in democratic regimes. The relationship between the activities of the media and state security was adopted as the leading context. Answers were sought to the following questions: is freedom of the media the main value in the state?; can the freedom of the media be limited in a democratic regime?; if we consider that the freedom of the media may be limited, what conditions must be met for this? As a hypothesis, it was assumed that: freedom of the media is an undeniable value of democracy, but it cannot be a superior value over securing the survival of the state. The following methods were mainly used: institutional and legal, comparative and systemic. One of the main conclusions is that: freedom of action of the media can be their privilege only during the normal, i.e. safe functioning of the state, and the actions of the media cannot be contrary to the supreme values of the Nation and threaten the survival of the state.
This article provides a comparative analysis of the implementation of referendums in Ukraine and the Baltic states during the first decade of independence. The article contains a historical and political aspect regarding the reasons and results of referendums introduced in the specified countries. The article provides a separate analysis of the political features of the introduction of referendums in Ukraine, which consisted, first of all, of pressure from the president on the parliament, with the aim of the latter adopting decisions necessary for the head of state. Such pressure on the parliament, in the form of a referendum initiative by the second President of Ukraine, was aimed at increasing its powers, especially with regard to influence on the government, and a proportional decrease in the powers of the Verkhovna Rada. This was most clearly manifested during the period of formation and approval of the text of the Constitution of Ukraine, in which all the «rules of the game» in the aspect of checks and balances of the highest institutions of state power were to be agreed upon. The experience of the Baltic countries in the first decade of restored independence had less practice than in Ukraine regarding political confrontations between the highest bodies of state power. The Baltic countries finally agreed on the main powers of the main institutions of power during the first two years of their restored independence and confirmed them in referendums. Further, their plebiscites consisted more in solving issues of national than exclusively political importance.
plebiscite contract party president Republic Influence democracy parliament
The main purpose of the article is to examine the opinions expressed by Georgian elites regarding the position of the Federal Republic of Germany towards Georgia in 2023. The text discusses the question to what extent the image created for the needs of the internal political game in Georgia corresponds to bilateral relations between the two countries. The re-evaluation of German Eastern policy in connection with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict influences Germany’s attitude towards Georgia. Georgia is at a special historical moment. The receding prospect of Georgia’s EU membership due to the rule of law and respect for civil liberties shortcomings affects also the perception of Germany in Caucasus. The future of Georgia and the shape of relations with the West, including Germany, will depend primarily on the behavior of Georgian elites, some of whom treat accession to the EU as an element of a political game.
EU enlargement policy rule of law Germany Georgia international relations
Elections in the Time of Crisis. Case Study of the United Kingdom in 2021
The text analyzes the 2021 elections in Great Britain, taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Attention is focused on the adaptive measures taken to maintain electoral integrity despite the health crisis. The author emphasizes that the pandemic forced a reevaluation of electoral norms and practices, prompting innovation. The article explores ten key areas, including: special voting arrangements, organization of elections, sanitary and epidemiological restrictions, changes in the structure of electoral administration, as well as the impact of the pandemic on the election campaign and turnout. Critical attention is drawn to the too late start of legislative and organizational preparations for the postponed elections by the central authorities.
election campaigns COVID-19 pandemic electoral systems electoral law elections
This study presents and analyzes the results of public opinion surveys conducted in Wales in 2017–2023 regarding the political future of the region. Using quantitative, comparative and systemic methods, the political solutions proposed by the Welsh were identified. The aim of the study is to answer the question whether current centrifugal tendencies may lead to Wales gaining independence in the foreseeable future.
In today’s world, the problems of security and law and order are considered one of the most urgent. Legislation regulating these issues ensures public safety, property protection, and effective law enforcement. In turn, violation of the law in the field of security, namely administrative offenses, is a common phenomenon that leads to negative consequences for public order and public safety. Such administrative offenses in the field of security may be related to violations of financial security, improper use of firearms, illegal drug trafficking, etc. In this scientific article, the author considered in detail the characteristics of administrative offenses in the field of security and their composition, analyzed the legal framework that regulates this area, considered the specifics of the relevant offenses committed in the field of security. Attention was focused on the need to improve the system of collection and processing of data on offenses, including the use of modern information technologies. The article emphasizes the in-depth understanding of administrative offenses in the field of security in order to further develop proposals for improving the effectiveness of measures to prevent and combat them, recommendations for improving legislation and the practice of applying the law, which are aimed at preventing violations in the field of security and ensuring appropriate punishment for committed offenses.
administrative liability composition of administrative offenses characteristics of administrative offenses security legislation law enforcement agencies
In the conditions of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, the issues of gender-based violence, discrimination based on gender and domestic violence are more acute than ever before the Ukrainian society. The war became the catalyst that caused not only an increase in cases of such violence, but also complicated the process of identifying and recording them. Despite the military actions, Ukraine continues to take decisive steps to overcome this problem, following the Euro-Atlantic and NATO course. Ukraine supports the policy of gender equality aimed at overcoming all forms of discrimination based on gender. Ukraine has recognized gender equality as one of the global standards – one of the basic principles of a democratic society, and strives to achieve real, factual equality between women and men. Evidence of this is the active implementation of international and European legislation and the implementation of its provisions in the practical activities of state bodies and institutions of all levels. In order to overcome gender stereotypes, education is actively developing, the institutional capacities of state bodies and institutions, and local self-government bodies are being strengthened. Alongside this, statistical research findings suggest that women still have limited access to decision-making in armed conflict, despite their disproportionate contribution to humanitarian aid, and that women remain under-represented in the security and defense sectors , in particular at the level of decision-making, including in military and civilian positions in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Police, in international operations to maintain peace and security. In view of the above, the issue of gender equality in the security and defense sector of Ukraine, in particular, in the bodies of the National Police, deserves special attention and remains relevant.
security and defense sector sexual harassment in the workplace discrimination based on sex equal rights of women and men gender equality
The article determines the functions of the notariat in Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania, their differences and common features, to establish additional functions of the notary, to study the procedure for performing the notarial function and its purpose. It was determined that the function common to all mentioned above notariats is to ensure non-dispute in civil legal relations through official notarization of acts, that the legislation of all three countries provides for the duties of a notary in the field of prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and control over the payment of necessary taxes and fees in cases specified by law. It was established that in all legal systems notaries, along with the notarial function, can be mediators, but with their own characteristics. It was determined what functions are inherent to notariat of Ukraine, in contrast to the notariats of Poland and Lithuania. It was established that the national legislation of each country determines which acts are subject to mandatory notarization, but at the same time, in all the mentioned countries, if the participants in a civil relationship wish to regulate their relations, they can do so in a notarial manner, if this does not contradict the requirements of the law.
mediation in the notariat registration of real estate powers of notaries notarization civil relationship Notariat
Martial law is always accompanied by an increased level of tension and threats to national security. In such circumstances, there is a need to respond to specific types of acts that may threaten public safety and national interests. The criminalization of these acts becomes an important tool for preventing and counteracting threats, as well as for establishing responsibility for their commission. In this article, the author analyzed the legal provisions that were adopted as a supplement to the Criminal Code of Ukraine after the start of the full-scale invasion. The author notes that most of the articles in one way or another relate to criminal punishment for acts that occur in the information sphere and are related to the disclosure and dissemination of information, disinformation, unauthorized data transfer, etc. Based on this, the author emphasizes the need to criminalize acts during martial law relating to the digital, information and cyberspace spheres. The criminalization of certain categories of violations during the war is a topical issue, as it is aimed at ensuring the security of the state and preserving its integrity. The legislation should be comprehensively aimed at countering the aggressor and protecting civilians. It is important to note that a large number of innovations in criminalization relate to the information sphere and data transmission. The involvement of information and electronic communication systems in important aspects of modern life, such as healthcare, finance, energy and national security, creates new threats that can have serious consequences for society and the country as a whole. Therefore, in order to ensure stability and protect the rights and interests of citizens and businesses, the need to strengthen criminal liability for violations of information and cybersecurity is justified, among other things. The purpose of the article is to analyze certain types of punishments which were categorized as criminal offenses under martial law. In addition, the purpose of the article is to highlight the special role of criminal acts in the digital and information sphere and to justify the need for their criminalization.
military actions disclosure of information information activities criminal punishment digitalization
This article purpose is to review development state of the issue of forensic characterization of criminal offenses, build the general structure of forensic characteristic of electrical energy theft, determine its main constituent elements, divide them into groups, and develop a detailed forensic characteristic of electric energy theft. Validity of the obtained results and conclusions that were based on the analysis of the latest scientific research on issues of violation of regulatory requirements regarding the accounting of electric energy and unaccounted consumption of electric energy, on the results obtained during performance of forensic examinations at the National Scientific Center »Hon. Prof. M.S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute« of the Ministry of the Interior of Ukraine, and also ensured the use of a complex of general scientific and special methods, in particular formal and logical, generalization, comparison. Scientific novelty. In the context of forensic expert provision of evidentiary base in criminal act qualification: electric energy theft, provided for in Article 1881 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, for development of new and supplementing existing methodological recommendations for investigation by employees of pre-trial investigation bodies of criminal offenses; this article elaborates and systematizes data on performing forensic examinations and a detailed forensic description of electric energy theft was compiled that will become the basis for the construction of investigative versions and will contribute to the effective conduct of investigative (search) actions and other investigative measures, as well as quickly. Conclusions. 1. Development state of issue of forensic characteristics of criminal offenses is considered. 2. General structure of forensic characteristics of electric energy theft is built. 3. The main constituent elements of forensic characteristics of electric energy theft are determined. It is proposed to divide constituent elements into groups according to a defining sign; the most significant and auxiliary signs. 4. On the basis of generalizations of data based on the results of forensic examinations and theoretical processing of research results into the issues of unaccounted electric energy consumption, detailed forensic description of electric energy theft has been developed.
criminal offense tools criminal trespass criminal offense means of commercial accounting accounting device
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