Spis treści
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 3-4
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: ksm/37/ksm37toc.pdf
My case study examines an issue of Slovak occupation of the northern parts of Spisz and Orava regions in years 1939–1945 in the narration of the „Nový svet” – weekly newspaper. Slovak Army`s participation in invasion of Poland in September 1939 was an important topic for press all over that new country. Media platforms were informing their readers about military successes and diplomatic arrangements. In the article I analyse the process of creating propaganda narrative about attack, annexation and then administration over the conquered lands. The weekly was richly illustrated, so I write about role of the text as well as the picture. It should be remembered that many Slovaks were still illiterate at that time. The article considers if the narration has changed over the years.
Słowacja Spisz i Orawa w latach 1939–1945 okupacja aneksja prasa propaganda Spisz and Orava, 1939–1945 slovakia occupation annexation press
The article found that the Ukrainian diaspora was an integral component of Ukrainian ethnic integrity. Numerous public, cultural and educational institutions created by emigrants in their places of residence stood guard over Ukrainian national interests and, despite all obstacles, conducted fruitful cooperation with Ukrainians in the Motherland. In order to preserve and develop the Ukrainian language, representatives of the diaspora paid great attention to the release of the Ukrainian printed word into the world. Due to total censorship in the Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainians abroad contributed to the publication abroad of many Ukrainian works that were banned in Ukraine. By means of international tourism, international student exchange, and world radio broadcasting, contacts between Ukrainian and foreign youth were gradually established, and the spheres of communication expanded. The main task of the Ukrainian diaspora was to preserve the ethnic and cultural identities of the Ukrainian nation, and consolidate the scattered emigration forces for the sole purpose of preparing a political and professional basis for the acquisition of an independent, cathedral Ukrainian state.
Ukrainian diaspora Ukrainian nation Ukraine national interests cooperation communication Soviet state totalitarianism censorship
Solutions for the integration of children and youth in Cracow’s schools after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Conclusions from the pilot study
The article presents the conclusions of a pilot survey study conducted in Cracow in September 2022. The author makes a diagnosis of educational activities undertaken in the municipality of Cracow, in the period from February 25 to June 30, 2022 (in the first four months from the outbreak of the war in Ukraine). She confronts them with the conclusions of in-depth interviews conducted with experts in the field of integration. Solutions regarded as “good practices”, such as additional Polish language lessons, psychological and pedagogical assistance, educational departments and intercultural assistantship, are rated the best. However, children and young people with refugee experience have little chance of learning the language, culture and geography of their country of origin. We can also indicate a few critical moments of the integration process (so-called rich points) that generate tensions in intercultural communication. These include ambivalent attitudes towards migrant children, youth and their parents. On the one hand, representatives of the majority of society show empathy and provide real help, on the other hand, they accuse migrants of being demanding and indecisive. The most difficult situation is currently faced by young people who do not know the Polish language and are forced to take exams in this language at the end of subsequent stages of education. This age group is particularly vulnerable to marginalization. The conclusions from the study also indicated areas requiring further, in-depth evaluation.
asystent międzykulturowy intercultural assistant migracja edukacja Education migration
Contemporary Russian propaganda and the war in Ukraine
The article is an attempt to analyze contemporary Russian propaganda through the prism of the war in Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to assess the effectiveness of contemporary Russian propaganda in this area. The research was based on a qualitative methodology with the use of a source analysis strategy. Research showed the contemporary Russian propaganda has a significant impact on the perception of the war in Ukraine among Russians – although its effectiveness is showing a decrease.
propaganda Russia war Ukraine impact Rosja wojna Ukraina wpływ
Derive the importance of foreign direct investment in the world, particularly in the developing countries. FDI is critical for the developing countries which need multinational funding and expertise to expand, give structure, and guide their will to boost manufacturing and service sectors. Due to its role in promoting the growth and development wheel, providing financial resources complementary to national savings, and contributing to the transfer of technology and skills associated with modern production methods, it has emerged as one of the most significant sources of support for development. As the deteriorating economic conditions of developing countries did not leave them with many options or other solutions, their only option was to open their economies. The research touches on multiple subjects such as: Statistical Decision Theory by using statistical data to prove some of the research points, Multidimensional Statistical Analysis, Financial Econometrics which includes the financial related remarks as GDP part of the research, etc. In this sense, the goals of this paper are to highlight the importance of FDI in achieving the development in developing countries.
foreign direct investments economic development developing countries
Already existing sources considering women and ethnic minorities in Russian Federation point out to the inequity in treating these groups on the Russian labor market. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent war between Russia and Ukraine arises question whether situation of previously discriminated groups has changed? Not only this is crucial for considered groups due to the crisis caused by the pandemic but also due to growing needs of the Russian army and another crisis caused by international sanctions. In this paper authors using desk research describe already existing position of women and ethnic minorities on the labor market in Russia and answer the question whether these social groups are treated equally in comparison to other groups existing on the labor market. This article also presents analysis of potential change in the approach to groups considered in the presented research.
Russia labor market ethnic discrimination ethnic minorities women
The importance of relations with Australia and New Zealand as part of the UK’s post-Brexit engagement in the Indo-Pacific region
In the geopolitical situation in which Great Britain found itself after its withdrawal from the European Union in 2020, it was necessary to develop a new foreign and security policy strategy. The flagship concept of ‘Global Britain’ assumes the reorientation of the United Kingdom outside Europe and greater involvement in the security architecture of the Indo-Pacific region. The article examines to what extent the intention to strengthen relations with as likeminded partners in the Indo-Pacific region coincides with the assumptions of Australian and New Zealand policies. It has been shown that the former British dominions, which are part of the so-called Anglosphere, have been given a vital role in securing the UK’s position as a world leader. From the perspectives of the national interest of both countries, rebuilding ties with the former empire is considered an important strategic element, although giving it a priority in the current geopolitical realities is not possible. Australia and New Zealand put special emphasis on developing cooperation with the Indo-Pacific countries.
United Kingdom Australia New Zealand Indo - Pacific Brexit Global Britain
Feminist deconstruction of the traditional image of women in Qiu Jin’s works
Women’s issues are a significant subject of study in the realm of Chinese literature. In many works, it can be seen to oppose stereotypes or norms imposed on the female gender and to take measures leading to the emancipation of the individual. Such literature is symptomatic of a desire for change in society, that is, the overthrow of the patriarchal system and the introduction of equal rights between the sexes. An example of such prose is the works of China’s first feminist, Qiu Jin, who decided to fight for women’s rights. She was sentenced to death for her revolutionary activities. However, her texts introduced a completely new image of women into the public sphere - different from the one that had been reproduced for hundreds of years in ancient China. The poet chose to endow her heroines with charisma, courage, intelligence and the will to fight for a better life. Her aim was to make women aware of their situation in life, their social role, and to encourage them to leave the male-dominated world. Michalina Koniuk, in the chapter “Feminist Deconstruction of the Traditional Image of Woman in Qiu Jin’s Works”, proposes to analyse Qiu Jin’s works and present that the characters created by the writer oppose and destroy the image of the obedient and uneducated woman that existed in ancient China. First, the social role imposed on women in Chinese society has been described, namely that of obedient daughter, wife and daughter-in-law. The requirements and rules expected of Chinese women have been presented, and how Confucian norms contributed to the belittling of women’s role and position in Chinese society. As the poet was inspired by her own life experiences, Qiu Jin’s life were briefly introduced. Her childhood, during which the first signs of dissatisfaction with the obligations and social norms imposed on girls could be observed. An unsuccessful marriage mobilised the feminist to fight for women’s rights, to oppose the doctrines of Confucius and to leave home and go abroad. This was a great act of courage and at the same time a struggle for freedom and independence in the life of a feminist. That part was followed by an analysis of Qiu Jin’s works, whose female characters exemplify the kind of norms and behaviours that Qiu Jin rebelled against. At the same time, these characters deconstruct the traditional image of a woman and introduce a new one of a strong and independent individual. In this chapter, all poems and quotations have been translated by the author from Chinese into Polish.
rola społeczna konfucjanizm poezja feminizm chiński social role Chinese feminism patriarchy patriarchat hierarchy hierarchia rewolucja feminizm Confucianism women’s rights feminism społeczeństwo revolution prawa kobiet Chiny kultura wolność poetry culture society freedom China
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