Twórczość Wanga Guangyi i jej wpływ na rozwój pop-artu w Chinach
- Institution: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 79-89
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/42/ksm4204.pdf
Wang Guangyi’s work and its influence on the development of pop art in China
Since the late 1970s, profound changes have been underway across all spheres of Chinese society, encompassing the arts, thereby giving rise to new artistic trends and transformative shifts within the entire artistic tradition. Chinese artists have increasingly asserted themselves on the international stage. Concurrently, as the West became intrigued by Chinese art, two prominent trends – political pop art and cynical realism – were notably burgeoning. Notably, political pop art emerged as a foremost artistic movement in China during the early 1990s. Central to this trend is a predilection for symbolism, serving as a conduit for artists to articulate their sentiments and societal perspectives. Wang Guangyi is widely acknowledged as the seminal figure behind this movement in China. This article delves into Wang Guangyi’s creative evolution and the genesis of political pop art, exploring the antecedents of this novel artistic trajectory, its conceptual underpinnings, and stylistic hallmarks.
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