Bridging cultures: the universal wisdom of aphorisms
- Institution: Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 90-104
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/42/ksm4205.pdf
Bridging cultures: the universal wisdom of aphorisms
This study explores the versatile nature of aphorisms, examining their linguistic structures, cultural implications, and pedagogical values across diverse languages and societies. Through literary analysis, comparative linguistic studies, and educational surveys, the research uncovers the inherent challenges in translating aphorisms while maintaining their stylistic and cultural essence. Findings reveal that aphorisms not only serve as concise expressions of universal truths and wisdom but also reflect the cultural values, norms, and philosophies of their respective societies. The investigation highlights the significant role of aphorisms in language learning and moral instruction, demonstrating their potential to foster cross-cultural understanding and linguistic appreciation. Aphorisms’ versatility as educational tools enhances learners’ engagement with language and culture, encouraging deeper reflection on ethical and philosophical issues. The study suggests future research directions, including the digital dissemination of aphorisms and their incorporation into artificial intelligence for language processing, underscoring their enduring relevance in a globalized and digitally connected world.
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aphorisms cross-cultural understanding linguistic structure language education translation challenges