Paralellism with common word and non-common word in Azerbaijani proverbs and sayings
- Institution: Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 120-131
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/42/ksm4207.pdf
Paralellism with common word and non-common word in Azerbaijani proverbs and sayings
As a result of many years of observation and testing, proverbs are a collection of words that have been shaped into a certain pattern, reflecting the causes of natural and social phenomena. Proverbs and sayings, as short, laconic means of speech, reveal the origin of events and have a reminiscent feature. In Azerbaijani language, proverbs related to then national customs and beliefs explain certain truths to the younger generations and call them to the right path. The article talks about proverbs as complex syntactic whole, parallelisms with common words and non-common words in Azerbaijani proverbs. Parallel conjunctions play an important role in proverbs and sayings. Although these valuable sayings are short and concise, consisting of several sentence members, the syntactic constructions in them can be attributed to different types of syntactic parallels. These parallels are of great importance in the formation of proverbs by connecting the components of the text with each other.
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proverbs parallelism common non-common complex syntactic whole language linguistics