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„Polska” i mesjanizm w pismach s. Heleny Rafaeli Majewskiej CSA, wileńskiej apostołki Bożego miłosierdzia

  • Author: Michał Damazyn
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6304-7904
  • Year of publication: 2024
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 140-164
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ksm20240305
  • PDF: ksm/43/ksm4305.pdf

“Poland” and messianism in the writings of Sister Helena Rafaela Majewska CSA, Vilnius Apostle of Divine Mercy

Helena Rafaela Majewska CSA (1902–1967) infiltrated the habitless congregation of the Sisters of Angels. Mystic; propagator of God’s mercy; penitent and collaborator of Fr. Michał Sopoćko – Vilnius confessor of Sister Faustyna Kowalska; continuator of her message. Majewska left a spiritual Diary from the years 1941–1943, in which a patriotic and messianic theme appears, the author will appear as an element of the message of mercy and the perspective of the fate of Poland revealed to her by God. The texts constitute their important sources, from which come the records of the Way of the Cross of the Polish Nation, where the mystic assigned the events of the subsequent World War II to the emergency station. The analysis of Majewska’s spiritual records is valuable both from the point of view of theological and historical sciences. In the first case, they reveal the obligation of patriotism in the formation and experience of religion in the early 20th century and during the Second Mandatory War. In the second one – revealing the elements of Polish messianism and allowing the use of interpretation of historical events at the time they occurred.


Helena Majewska God’s mercy Vilnius Kresy messianism World War II

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