Instytucjonalizm - ewolucja i znaczenie
- Year of publication: 2005
- Source: Show
- Pages: 15-34
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/09/ksm200502.pdf
Institutionalism - Evolution and Importance
The institutional trend includes veblenism, postveblenism, neoinstitutionalism and new institutional economics - all with reference to another theory are very critical to mainstream economics. That contribute new questions, important was change of assumption - especially of human rationality. It should be emphasized great importance for postveblenism theory (among the another theory - empirical researches). Postveblenism representatives played a part of an economic practice in the United States of America. Neoinstitutionalism support to increase nation role, did not have more importance (maybe quasi - institutionalists). The whole idea was concentrated more on macroeconomic. The new institutional economics refers to microeconomic and postveblenism. Main problems its: transaction costs, institution, transactions. It seems, that it recovers some influence in the science and importance for a practice.