Zróżnicowanie poziomu przedsiębiorczości na przykładzie wybranych powiatów Małopolski
- Year of publication: 2009
- Source: Show
- Pages: 125-134
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200509
- PDF: ksm/09/ksm200509.pdf
Differentiation of the Level of Entrepreneurship on the Example of the Chosen Land-districts in the Małopolska Province
The paper presents the issue of differentiation in the context of the level of entrepreneurship in the chosen rural areas of the Małopolska Province. The author makes an attempt to measure the levels of entrepreneurship indicating their determinants and to find the impact of the big cities on the rural communes in terms of entrepreneurship. After calculating the data, the rankings of the rural communes in three different land-districts surrounding three big cities in the Małopolska Province have been prepared. On that basis the ranking thresholds have been introduced, so as to denote the four levels of entrepreneurship.