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Globalizacja w świetle krytyki i oczekiwań wobec ekonomii głównego nurtu

  • Author: Janina Szczepaniak
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 127-142
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200407
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200407.pdf

Globalization in front of Criticism and Expectations towards Orthodox Economy

The paper shows that globalization - apart from its name - is not at all a new process. The thing that distinguishes it among other elements of economic development has been so far hidden behind processes of economic growth. In general, it has also deepened problems noticed earlier.  Economic theory of globalization has emerged from liberalism belonging to the major course of economy, i.e. orthodox economy. The whole achievement of this course of economy in the other half of the twentieth century has undergone a severe criticism. Earlier and present achievements have been criticized both by the representatives of the main stream as the economists of other streams. Nevertheless it has not influenced significantly general appearance, contents and methods of new liberal economy. Apart from that - or rather should we say thanks to that it has remained in accordance with general development of science and somehow has responded to social expectations. One can say that it has accommodated within one side attitude to all kinds of issues of modern times. From this it follows that real solution of problems may be brought by taking into account the opposite attitude and

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