Stan sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w powiecie zamojskim
- Year of publication: 2004
- Source: Show
- Pages: 143-154
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/08/ksm200408.pdf
Economic transformation In Poland has had a great impact on the development of small and medium size enterprises. The paper presents the diagnosis of small and medium size enterprises sector in Zamojski district by 3 lst of December, 2002. It discusses both advantages and limitations of development of such forms of economic activities. Small and medium size enterprises located within the area of the district discussed not only guarantee work places for the most of the employed, but also create new work places. The role of small and medium size enterprises as a source of new work places has both economic and social character. This sector of the national economy is the representative of enterprising activities because quite often small and medium size enterprises are the only form of any economic activity in the eastern region and can be the starting point for economic development in general.