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Analiza przedsiębiorczości w Małopolsce na przykładzie powiatu nowosądeckiego - w świetle badań empirycznych

  • Author: Iwona Gawron
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 155-166
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200409
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200409.pdf

Initiative is one of the key features which should characterize contemporary managers who want to have and maintain success on the market. We cannot overestimate the meaning of initiative: it helps with the economic growth, boosts new techniques and brings more competition to the market.  Initiative cannot be copied. Only the companies which are open to change and are able to use their strengths and suppress weaknesses can beat their competitors.  The presented article focuses on the role and importance of initiative in the changing business environment. It also analyses the structure and functioning of the companies in Małopolskie voivodship with the great stress on Nowosądecki region. The analysist of this region's initiative showed that despite many factors which are against entrepreneurs, it is still open to new investments and the proof of this are the new firms which have recently been founded.


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  • www. Wrota Małopolski - Portal Województwa Małopolskiego9.htm.

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