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Analiza wpływu wybranych programów pomocowych Unii Europejskiej na proces rozwoju i wartości małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw

  • Author: Janusz Fudaliński
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 167-186
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200410
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200410.pdf

Attempts to evaluate the influence of the EU programmes on the development of small and medium-scale enterprises in Poland ecounter considerable methodological difficulties. The difficulties arise from both the scarcity of adequate research tools and the character of the matter in question.  The notion of the development of a firm as well as that of its value may be defined and understood in a wide variety of ways. Furthermore, the most serious problem lies in the fact that the results of the influence of assistance funds applied are hard to isolate from the effects of other factors affecting the enterprises, such as business cycles, macroeconomic policy of the state, etc. The support from the EU budget is only one of a large number of influences exerted in the sphere of the activity of the enterprises.  What seems to be self-evident, though, is the fact that the allocation of funds for subsidizing the activity of small and medium enterprises will affect the value and development of the sector under consideration.  The article highlights the significance of the assistance programmes in relation to factors contributing to the developmental potential of the firms and their value alike. The influence remains unquestionable and there are indications of its positive results. Nevertheless, only a more detailed research is capable of supplying an accurate estimate of the scale of this phenomenon. Likewise, it is able to assess interferences that determine a correlation between individual factors which, in turn, form the developmental opportunities and value of the enterprises.


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