Lokalne uwarunkowania rozwoju agroturystyki na przykładzie gminy Tokarnia
- Year of publication: 2004
- Source: Show
- Pages: 211-222
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200413
- PDF: ksm/08/ksm200413.pdf
Regional Conditions of Agritourism Development in the Tokarnia Commune
The article presents some issues connected with a chance of development for the Tokarnia commune. Natural environment values and landscape attributes of the presented commune have been particularly emphasized together with its interesting history and potential of agriculture development in this area. Specific natural and socio-economic characteristics of the Tokarnia commune provide many opportunities of development of tourism and recreation. Due to its considerable attractiveness for tourists, agritourism should be regarded as unique chance of development for this region. 'The fact has been corroborated by an estimation of complex valorization of this region considering agronomic, natural and ecological conditions. It has been positive for the development of such forms of management. It has been considered that owing to local entrepreneurship and external assistance, developmental delay of some Villages may be overcome at the same time causing an increase in local population's incomes and employment, which are most important factors affecting better life standards of local community.