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Tradycje i współczesność osadnictwa wiejskiego na Podhalu

  • Author: Czesław Guzik
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 267-284
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200417
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200417.pdf

Past and Present of Rural Settlement in Podhale

Natural conditions in Podhale were less favorable for settling than those in other parts of Poland. The first settlers, who came here in the 13th c. from lands in the Vistula river valley along its tributaries, took formerly flat zones of Podhale, covered by thick forest. During the second stage of colonization, that initiated in the 16th c., the less advantageous areas, where soil and climatic conditions were worse, began to be settled. New Villages were usually founded in the stream valleys. To many Podhale Villages, especially to those situated in the mountains, belong numerous hamlets, consisted of several houses, separated from the rest of village. Those hamlets lie often in the glades within the forest, to which an access is difficult, due to considerable denivelations.  Podhale is the region known by its traditional architecture. The houses show a considerable variety of types. The so-called „Zakopane style”, enriched artistically by Stanisław Witkiewicz, is famous and appreciated all over Poland.  A modernisation of Podhale rural settlement has been observed since the 605. Although a physiognomy of houses was different in particular subregions, those built in last decades of the 2oth c. are similar everywhere. This unification concerns also their inner equipment.  A traditional image of highlander family, having many children and consisted of several generations, occupying a flat of 1-2 rooms only, has passed. Nowadays in the typical highlander family each person has the separate room. This fact reflects the best a scope of a progress achieved by Podhale during its development stage, especially in the an half of the past century.


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