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Mieczysław Adamczyk - partyzant z Otfinowa

  • Author: Wincenty Kołodziej
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 299-322
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200419
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200419.pdf

Mieczysław Adamczyk - guerrilla from Otfinów

The article „Mieczysław Adamczyk - guerrilla from Otfinów” reveals problems during the Second World War in one of small Polish Villages. Based on gathered archival material and conducted interviews, the author presented tragic vicissitudes and painful experiences of the residents of Otfinów.  Despite the Nazi terror, those people were able to not only support each other, but also create resistance organizations that actively opposed the enemy. They organized underground education, guerrilla organizations and their main achievement was to deliver the secret German weapon - V-2 missile to London.  Their fight to stop the Nazi aggression in order to retain freedom was invaluable and therefore their contribution cannot be forgotten and it should be researched and analyzed in details. The article written by Wincenty Kołodziej is an example of such research. He showed the life and experiences of Mieczysław Adamczyk, one of the residents of Otfinów and his active participation in resistance organizations that were determined to defeat the enemy.

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