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Organizacja szkolnictwa powszechnego na terenie Okręgu Szkolnego Lubelskiego w okresie Rządu Tymczasowego

  • Author: Renata Mikitiuk
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 323-342
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200420
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200420.pdf

Organization of public educational system in the Lublin School District in activity the Provisional Government.

Communist authorities operated on the assumption that educational reform was the third most important basic reform that must be carried out in the country, after agricultural and industrial reform.  While they reconstructed the school network, educational authorities carried out a gradual change in the school system and in curricular content.  The basic principles of the reform were presented and discussed at the All-Poland Educational Congress in Lodz in June 1945. A school system law was to be drawn up based on the directives of the Congress and passed together with executory provisions. Work on this law was begun, but progressed very slowly. The new law was not passed until 1961, and the directives of 1945 were not fully enforced.  Attempts to create an eight-year primary school in 1945-1947 were not carried out in full, they included only some of the public schools. In reality a system based on seven-year public school was in effect, the schools were free, state-run, and uniform with regard to organization and curriculum.  The article represent principles of educational reform presented at the All-Poland Educational Congress in Lodz and the organization of public education in the Lublin School District.

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