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"Góralem nie wystarczy się czuć, góralem trzeba być..." O świadomości regionalnej młodzieży podhalańskiej

  • Author: Stanisława Trebunia-Staszel
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 23-38
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199803
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199803.pdf

„It is not enough to be e member of a Mountainfolk at heart, Yoy have to be truly one." E regional identity of the Youth at Podhale

This disertation refers to the question of regionalizm exemplified by Podhale region - the lend situated on the South part of Poland near the Tatra Mountain and inhabited by people so called Górale. The author tries to consider the phenomena of contemporary Górale culture with special regard to the problem of ethnic identity. The role of regional association Związek Podhalan in preserving and spreading Górale heritage is also mentioned. What is specific about Podhale is its living home culture in which to this day some elements of tradition folklor, such as folk costium, music, dances, dialect and rits are still exist. ln modern circumstances - in new context, these elements are becoming signes of regional differences and are also regarded as symbols of cultural identity.  Following paper based on the materials collected in Podhale in 1997 is concentrated on the problem of regional consciousness among young inhabitants of Podhale 16-20 years old pupils of secondary schools. The author by analysing their attitudes towards home land, home society and local tradition tries to trace new tendencies appearing in contemporary culture in Podhale. Following problem are discussed:  declarations of identity  - the criteria of defining Who are Górale?  Podhale as a home feeling and homeland  components of Góral 's image - stereothype and autosterotype  Obtained materials show that about 65% of guestioned pupils experienced themselfs as Górale and identify with the home heritage. It is interesting what consequences these pupil's declarations will bring in future and how they will influence on further development of Górale regional culture.

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