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Mała Polska Ojczyzna na Syberii Wschodniej. Polska wieś Wierszyna (1910-1937)

  • Author: Władysław Masiarz
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 39-64
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199804
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199804.pdf

Within the framework of the Russian programme of the colonization of Syberia, many Poles of all occupations and from all social classes were sent there at the end of nineteenth and at the beginning of twentieth century. The Polish miners from Zagłębie Dąbrowskie and poor country folk constituted the major percentage of them. They most willingly settled own at Siberian Villages or, after receiving their apportioned lands, they set up their own Villages. The classic example of this type of Polish settlement in Siberia is the history of the village Wierszyna in the guberniya of lrkuck. It was set up in 1910 by 59 Polish families coming from Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. they soon built a school and small church, creating their own „small Polish fatherland" in the far Siberia.  They were true to their Polish identity in spite of the Stalinist repressions depriving them of their own land, language and religion. The most tragic was the year of 1937 in which 32 persons, including one woman, were arrested by NKWD. All the arrested Poles were murdered in 1938. the Polish families survived both the years of the war and the years of so called „Soviet stabilization”. Only the abolition of the ZSRR allowed for the new „discovery" of Wieszyna and the slow reconstruction of the Polish national identity. Today, the fifth generation of Siberian Poles is already born there.

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