Polityka regionalna wobec wsi a integracja z Unią Europejską
- Year of publication: 1998
- Source: Show
- Pages: 137-148
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199809
- PDF: ksm/02/ksm199809.pdf
Regional rural policy and integration with the European Union
Integration of the Polish agriculture with the European Union requires numerous adjustment activities. It means not only activities improving the economic effectiveness but also adjustment processes in institutional sphere, trade and regulation. The regional policy plays important role, particularly in the part concerning structural transformations in agriculture and rural areas development, also rural environment protection with the Simultaneous modernization of the technical and social infrastructure of those regions. The problem of modernization of agriculture, which is strongly connected with the multi-Functional rural areas development has to take important place in the Polish regional programmes. The creation of entrepreneurship and activities in non-agricultural production in the regions and communities requires the support from the central and local authorities and the institutions connected with rural areas and agriculture. An important role in the rural areas development plays regional agricultural policy of the state, recognizing the idea of multi-functional development in a complex way, regarding the socio-economic conditions of the particular regions.