Małopolscy pionierzy łąkarstwa
- Year of publication: 1998
- Source: Show
- Pages: 149-158
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/02/ksm199811.pdf
Pioneere of grassland science in Małopolska (south-east regions of Poland)
In this article is presented biography of two polish men and namely prof. dr Zygmunt Golonka and prof. dr Mieczysław Nowak, which gave science bases of development of modern polish grassland. Prof. dr Z. Golonka was born 2. VIII. 1988 in Dąbrowa Tarnowska. High agricultural study and diploma of masters science obtained on the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Next he was working as assistant in experimental station of the University at Mydlniki. During the first world war he was soldier. After return of war he was employed at the Polytechnic in Lwów and next in Acricultural University in Warszawa. Doctor thesis defended in 1928 year, and the higher doctor degree in 1935 year. After the second world war he went to Wroclaw to organize University, where has worked like professor to 1960 year or to the pension. All his life he occupied of grassland problems. He wrote 3 grassland handbook and a lot of science publications about grassland management. Prof. dr Mieczysław Nowak was born 2.VII. 1903 year. Also he was absolwent of Jagiellonian University in Kraków. His science activity concerns first of all Carpathian region in Poland. He has carried out many experiments on the mountain grasslands with mineral fertilization and lignid farm-yard manure. Described botanical composition of many high mountain pastures and prepared propositions their rational utilization. He collaborated many years in this field with Switzerland and Austria. At first he worked at Agricultural University in Kraków, next in Institute of Zootechnice and still later at Agricultural University in Warszawa but all time he was interested the problems of mountain grassland managements. ln our country he was common knowledge and respectable by reason of numerous science publications.