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Rynek Pracy w regionie krakowskim w latach 1990-1996

  • Author: Jan Siekierski
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 59-80
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199904
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199904.pdf

Labour market in the Cracow Region in 1990-1996

The article presents on an example of the Cracow province the results of an analysis of the local labour market during transformation period in Poland (1990-1996). General situation on the employment market in Poland was a point of reference and comparison.  The analysis considered also a degree of economic activation of local communities, the number of working and employed in national economy sectors, and the movement of people with full time jobs (engagements and discharges), as well as the level of registered unemployment. Estimation of this phenomenon considered also the tendencies of of changes (Beveridge' s curve) and a percentage of the unemployed according to their professional experience, unemployment period, age and education. The investigations revealed two distinct phases in the development of labour market, i.e. a negative trend in 1990-1993 (a decline in employment and an increasa in unemployment) and a positive trend in 1994-1996 (an increase in employment and a (decline in unemployment).  Some issues concerning active employment policy, counteracting and fighting unemployment were discussed in the Final part of the paper.


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