Ochrona gruntów rolnych województwa krakowskiego z uwzględnieniem zasad ekorozwoju
- Year of publication: 1999
- Source: Show
- Pages: 183-194
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199913
- PDF: ksm/03/ksm199913.pdf
Agricultural land protection of the Kraków voivodship according to the eco-development principles
The paper presents an aproach to agricultural land protection and creation on the basis of eco-development (sustainable development) criteria - exampled by the Kraków voivodship agricultural lands. The author presents: main directions of land protection based on eco-development principles resulting from the Land Protection Act, the method of delimitation and description of distinguished land protection categories; he determines: the state of land erosional danger, areas demanding land reclamation and management. agricultural lands predestined to afforestation and tree planting.