Koncepcja bezwzględnej nieważności decyzji w polskim prawie administracyjnym
- Year of publication: 1999
- Source: Show
- Pages: 211-224
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199915
- PDF: ksm/03/ksm199915.pdf
Invalidity of an administrative decision in polish administrative law doctrine
This article is divided into 7 parts. After the introduction concerning the idea of invalidity of an administrative decision in first part, author starts with the views of science of Second Republic of Poland based on the 1928 codification of administrative procedure. Point 3 deals with the ideas of invalidity which occurred in the period between 1945 and 1960. There are Supreme Court verdicts analyzed in point 4. Next in point 5 author talks over the changes made to administrative procedure after coming into force of the code of 1960 and it's influence on doctrine. Point 6 discusses changes done by the amendment in 1980. In point 7 author comes to some conclusions concerning the role of the invalidity concept