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Reformackie miscelanea

  • Author: Jan Samek
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-16
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200001
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200001.pdf

St Casimirus Church and the Monastery of Reformat Friars belong to buildings erected in the second half of 17th century, after the Swedish invasion. It is typically Reformat-style edifice - modest and towerless.  The interior comprises a number of interesting elements: a complex of 18th century altars (1745-47), several dozens of 17th, 18th and 19th century tombstones and epitaphs made mostly of black marble.  A group of paintings which deal not only with Reformat themes is a significant element of the collection. A large part of them was painted by a well known Cracovian painter Michal Stachowicz among whose works there are a series of pictures depicting the stops of the Passion of Christ as well as decorations for a few volumes of Acta Transumpta. These decorations are an example of the collection belonging to the archive of the monastery.  As far as the gold-work items are concerned, the most valued possessions are an eclectic coral monstrance and wonderful 18th century chalices.

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