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Pieczęcie na dokumentach przechowywanych w Archiwum Parafialnym w Dobczycach

  • Author: Elżbieta Piwowarczyk
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 61-76
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200005
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200005.pdf

Seals on the documents preserved in the Parish Archives in Dobczyce

Dobczyce is a small town in southern Poland in the valley of the Raba river within the Cracow Province. Foundation of the town and establishment of the parish goes back to the 13th century. Since the times of Casimir the Great the Polish kings bestowed many privileges upon burghers of Dobczyce. In the 14th century crown lands were formed and let out by the kings. Two of the leaseholders of Dobczyce starosty erected two successive parish churches. Apparently, history of the town and the parish had the same background throughout centuries.  Collection of documents in the Parish Archives in Dobczyce is the testimony of coexistence of the town and the parish. Records from the 16th to the 19th century, many a time signed with seals, were kept there.  In this article, a collection of seals found in the Parish Archives of Dobczyce has been scrutinized. The seals impressed on the documents referred to the town, administrative district, domain, parish and the decanate of Dobczyce. Historical events in the town and the parish of Dobczyce provided the topic for the seals. lt was these events that conditioned placing them on the seals. ln case of Dobczyce the seals had three basic representations: 

1. The head of St. John the Baptist - which was placed on the city and parish seals. 

2. Architectonic representations of the Dobczyce castle - placed on the seals  of domain and decanate of Dobczyce. 

3. An Austrian Eagle - found on the seals of the administrative district.

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