Partie Polityczne Zamojszczyzny w wyborach parlamentarnych 1991-1997
- Year of publication: 2001
- Source: Show
- Pages: 65-80
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/05/ksm200104.pdf
The Zamość region's political parties in parliamentary elections (1991-1997)
Parliamentary elections are the most common form of controlling a country's authorities by its citizens. However, it must be stated that without being represented by political parties, the citizens are not able to exert influence on the activities of state administration. Compared to ordinary citizens, political parties have a bigger influence over members of parliament. Candidates who are recommended by political organisations are more often successful in elections than others. Most members of parliament have close ties with political parties and are often subject to party discipline. Nowadays political organisations are an indispensable element of parliamentary democracy. The summarised article contains a presentation of political parties which are active in the Zamość region and which participated in the parliamentary elections of 1991, 1993 and 1997. It also presents the parties' election programme issues and the election results in the region compared to the results at the national level. Analysis of election results in particular areas (including the Zamość region) is justified as these are part of the national results and create a more complete panorama of the electoral system.