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Zrównoważony rozwój obszarów wiejskich w województwie małopolskim

  • Author: Dariusz Koreleski
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 147-160
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200110
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200110.pdf

Sustainable development of rural areas in the Małopolska province

The paper presents the main assumptions and concepts concerning sustainable and multifunctional development of rural areas in the Małopolska province. In particular, the author pointed out the ways of delimitation of rural areas, as well as functions and development of those areas and their potential. The chosen aspects of the European Union countries experience in the above mentioned field have also been presented, together with the Statements worked out at several United Nations conferences. The article includes a review of the opinions of the greatest authorities on the subject. Finally, extremely great natural potential of the Małopolska province has been shown, predestining this province in a special way to harmonious and synchronised implementation of the permanent, sustainable and multifunctional concept of the development of rural areas.

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