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Ocena zagrożenia substancjami chemicznymi wśród dorosłych mieszkańców Krakowa w 1998 r.

  • Author: Małgorzata Kłys
  • Author: Beata Szkolnicka
  • Author: Monika Liguz
  • Author: Aleksandra Kamenczak
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 237-346
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200118
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200118.pdf

The aim of the study was to evaluate the number and the reason (poison and structure) of acute poisonings which occurred among Kraków adult inhabitants in the year 1998. Under analysis there were 3236 people treated in the Department of Clinical Toxicology and 108 poisoned who died at the place of accident prior to any treatment was conducted. The group of hospitalized persons consisted of 64,7% men and 35,3% women, and the group of people who died at the place of accident consisted of 85,2% men and of 14,8% women. The overall coefficient of poisoning during the year 1998 was 43,7; for men was 60,2 and 29,1 for women. Drugs (21 ,3%) followed ethanol (38,8%) were the most common cause of acute poisonings. The mortality rate of treated patients was low (0,46%), but while including those people who died at the place of accident prior to any treatment, the mortality rate rose up to 3,55. That increase in the mortality rate was caused mainly by fatal cases due to ethanol and carbon monoxide poisonings.


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