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Polityka oświatowa w Polsce a tendencje rozwojowe w edukacji w Europie

  • Author: Czesław Banach
  • Year of publication: 2003
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9-21
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200301
  • PDF: ksm/07/ksm200301.pdf

Education is a fundamental right of every human being and a universal value as well as an investment in the future of both the individual and the community. Its reforming is a difficult and multi-conditional task. It takes time and needs the funds based the assumptions of the reform. Educational reports and the documents of the European Committee all point out that the „society learning throughout its lifetime” is the most important in this respect. Thus the basic aims of the reform are those concerning general culture, developing skills for a future job, helping to develop economic activity, improving flexibility of educational process so it becomes multi-tasking and innovative, giving the same educational opportunities for the adults and the youth, struggling against school problems, learning three languages used in EU, decentralising and regionalising, diversificating higher education and educating the teachers.  The Polish reform of education focuses on four main points: raising the level of education in Poland by popularising secondary and higher education, leveling educational opportunities, improvement in quality of education and the change in the structure of schools.  It lacks however a long-term programme for the whole system between years 2010-2015. And besides the positive results of the reform launched in the 1990-s, there are still many fields of impendence and disfunction. It calls for the cooperation and integration with the EU coutries and these should be popularised by all the educational institutions to make the processes of using European standards and values smoother and to prepare for the tasks of the informational society which is based on knowledge.

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