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Zasada boskiego pochodzenia władzy w doktrynie Leona XIII

  • Author: Marek Delong
  • Year of publication: 2003
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 55-68
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200305
  • PDF: ksm/07/ksm200305.pdf

The subject of this article is a problem of authority in a social - political doctrine of pope Leon XIII. The Leon's XIII encyclical Diuturnum Ilłud was a source of information to analises of this issues. The encyclical was published 29th of June 1881 and a was anhounced as soon as an attempt on tsar Ale- ksander II life was made. Leon XIII criticized and rejected doctrines, which propagated that an authority is granted by people.  He said that the authority is given by the God and it has divine character. The authority can't be granted by people, because they don't have a law to give the authority. According to Leon's XIII opinion the mistakes of the social agree- ment doctrines came from the reformation times. The reformation brought an ideas development which propagate a character and destruction.  The theory of authority of Leon's XIII in a large part contributed to retrieval the church authority, which was weak after French Revolution. The pope didn't support any of political form, but the accepted politic pluralism, which came into being when feudal relations were demolished. The pope emphasized that national system should be consistent with the God's law and should stress justice.

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