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Czym była idea panslawizmu?

  • Author: Karolina Gawron
  • Year of publication: 2003
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 117-124
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200309
  • PDF: ksm/07/ksm200309.pdf

What was the idea of pan-slavism?

Pan-slavism, a nineteenth century concept, had a profound meaning as it influenced numerous nations and changed the fate of the Slavs.  Politicians, thinkers and belles-lettres' authors have created, deveIoped and served by, that is why pan-slavism has been associated, defined and compared in many different ways. Pan-slavism of the first part of the nineteenth century believed that Slavic community would be reborn and was convicted about its leading role in general history. Pan-slavism had different varietes, depending on the countries in which it came into existence and also on its theorists' nationality. In the second part of the nineteenth century pan-slavisrn was transformed into pan-russism, into a political system based on an assumption that Russia was the only power able to put together the "broken pieces of Slavic nation”.  Pan-slavic idea cannot be treated indifferently, especially now that together with some Slavic countries we are going to create a united Europe.  The idea indicates what the international contacts between nations ought to be like. They cannot rest on utopian views but on economic cooperation, constructive approach to internal relations in particular countries and to their international situation, but most of on cultural exchange, silencing of dissension, Clearing up misundertandings and establishing a common ground for action. Cultural dialogue seems to be of the greatest importance here. It is the cooperation between nations and not countries that creates a community. Mutual cognition of cultures, religions and languages is the only way to a real communion.

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