Ogólne przesłanki poszukiwania nowych sposobów myślenia ekonomicznego
- Year of publication: 2003
- Source: Show
- Pages: 125-144
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200310
- PDF: ksm/07/ksm200310.pdf
General premises for questing new ways of economic thinking
In Western culture contemporary era was characterised by scientific, technical and economical progress. The twentieth century and especially its second half revealed on the one hand depletion (foretelling a breakdown) of this project, and on the other hand appearance, together with the main stream, of new developmental trends. Favourable conditions were created by new scientific discoveries as well as changes in understanding of religiousness. Alternative development scenarios were invented, of which the main focus was specifying systems of values and, what would follow, changes of institutions and global management and economics. A number of postulates aimed to change the situation was proposed. Some of them were put into practice. New conditions are bound to influence perception of a subject and the range of economic discussions. New assumptions should lay foundations for the bases of economy. What seems interesting is the fact of drawing attention to the possibility of changing a notion of an "economic man” towards, generally speaking, a conception of Msc and Kind People (F. Zaniecki), characteristic of humanistic civilization.