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Fuzje i przejęcia oraz ich rozwój w Polsce (na przykładzie woj. małopolskiego)

  • Author: Dorota Murzyn
  • Year of publication: 2007
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 157-168
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200312
  • PDF: ksm/07/ksm200312.pdf

The international passion for mergers and acquisitions of the last two decades is creating corporations of immense dimensions and power. One of the fastest and most effective ways to increase market share or establish a company in a new market is to acquire another company. This can be accomplished through a variety of different means with the end result being a stronger, more solid company with increased revenues and enhanced Shareholder value. Acquisition strategies are undertaken for a variety of reasons, but whatever the underlying reasons, the one thing that all these strategies have in common is a desire to strengthen and grow the existing business. M&A activity has never been higher because of increasing pace of globalisation, industry consolidation and technological advances. But Mergers and acquisitions need careful planning if a successful outcome is to be achieved.  M&A activities are getting more and more popular in Poland, but here they are connected with restructuring, privatisation initiatives of the State Treasury. Acquisitions can be held in two ways: through privatisation of state-owned enterprises or by consolidation of private companies in the market. The first way is still more common in Poland, but the second one is getting on importance quickly.  Małopolska region plays an increasing role in mergers and acquisitions marketplace. At the beginning of 90. such transactions were quite rare yet, but from 1996 they are taking place more and more often. As competitiveness is getting stronger, foreign investors increase interest in Poland as it approaches EU accession, bigger and stronger companies will be created to face these conditions.

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