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Krakowski Park Technologiczny (w założeniach i praktyce)

  • Author: Grzegorz Grzybczyk
  • Author: Janina Pach
  • Year of publication: 2003
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 191-202
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200314
  • PDF: ksm/07/ksm200314.pdf

Technological park of Krakow its foundations aid practice

In the world economy special economic zones belong to commonly accepted instruments of activating international economic activity, particularly in the regions threatened with structural unemployment and requiring deep restructuring.  In all highly developed countries there are thought to function from 800 to 1200 SEZ having considerable share in the value of world's production, where nearly 27 mln people are employed altogether. They represent a variety of types which are defined by previously formed production and location predispositions of the zone region. The economic zones of a special character, named so because of their specialization, are Technological Parks. In Poland the Technological Park of Krakow seems to be highly promising one.  The author of the article aims in presenting: 

1. the nature and role of the special economic zones in Poland as well as the  main problems of their functioning; 

2. purposes and foundations of the Technological Park of Krakow and some  major issues connected with its origin and functioning. 

Besides, the present text considers the meaning of the Technological Park of Krakow for development of Malopolska region and discusses the activities that influence its dynamic formation.

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