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Tradycyjne rolnictwo Podhala i jego przemiany

  • Author: Czesław Guzik
  • Year of publication: 2003
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 241-260
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200318
  • PDF: ksm/07/ksm200318.pdf

Agriculture in Podhale and its transformation

Podhale is a small region: its share in Poland's total area amounts 0,5% only. Settled zones of Podhale Villages lie between 500 and 1000 m. a.s.l. Nowhere in Poland so numerous Villages, their houses and fields reach such the altitude.  Podhale has been colonised since the 13th. c. Came here not only Polish settlers from vicinities of Cracow, Tarnów and Sandomierz cities, but also those from Balkans - Valachians of Romanian origin, who introduced new ways of sheep and cattle breeding. In this meeting of two cultures, prevailed farming methods brought from north, adopted partially to local montane conditions but completed by Valachian breeding systems.  In this time difficult natural conditions made highlanders to practise the agriculture fulfilling only their family needs. Such an autarchy lasted long centuries. The agricultural production had to be diversińed.  Even in the eve of 5os of the past century, some % of Villages area was covered by arable lands, on which all crops possible to be cultivated under the local climatic and soil conditions could be found.  But after the 2nd World War, in the 5os, a demand for food grew considerably, due to the industrialisation (i.e. construction of the Nowa Huta Steel Works near Cracow) and the tourism development in Podhale. Thus the economic situation of the region improved.  In the 605 and 705 of the 2oth c. the arable land area was reduced twice in Podhale, on favour of pastures and meadows. The growth of those uses was advantageous for the cattle breeding and the milk production growth, which surpluses were sold.  Simultaneously, the 603 decade was marked by the growing migration from Podhale to the United States. This economically based outflow had tradition dated back to the 19th c. It influenced considerably the Podhale economic life, especially the housing conditions, which were ameliorated, and caused the agriculture modernisation.

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