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Program narodowościowy Stronnictwa Demokratycznego w świetle krakowskiej prasy konspiracyjnej 1940-1945

  • Author: Ewa Fogelzang-Adler
  • Year of publication: 2003
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 289-300
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200321
  • PDF: ksm/07/ksm200321.pdf

Nationalistic platform of democratic party presented in 1940-1945 in Krakow's conspiracy press was based on suppose of achievement of compromise with nationalities from post-war state. In many issues it had general character. Some problems were discussed in detail. First of all the most important was requirement of change of fundamental nationalistic policy after war. Expecting consistent co-existence nations: Polish, Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Belorussian it was (widely) acknowledged that minorities should enjoy national and civil liberties. From planned equality of rights Germans were eliminated and they were going to be evacuated outside of polish borders. It was accented that almost whole German nation was responsible for the crimes committed during war. German nation that its passive attitude to national socialism supported nazi regim. One should pay an attention to the lack of unequivocal state to Jewish population that did not present an object to interest in conspiracy press in Krakow. Stronger attention was paid to forecast of contact with minorities from eastern verges. They were to be based on the guarantee of equal rights in organized conditions - enabling political, cultural and economic development, which wouldn't collide with social interest.

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