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Tradycje opieki nad ludźmi starszymi i ubogimi w Krakowie

  • Author: Dorota Witek
  • Year of publication: 2003
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 335-348
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200324
  • PDF: ksm/07/ksm200324.pdf

Social welfare and charity support for helpless adults and children in a city of Cracow, have been establishing a tradition that reaches a long way back through the centuries. Services to poor and homeless were organized mainly by celegry, and from the city's funds. In the Medieval Age, because of many fires and disease epidemics, the percentage of poverty grew constantly. The first hospital in Cracow was established in the year 1244. It was called the Holly Ghost hospital, and remained until the year 1886. In XIV and XV centuries, a number of new asylums of the same purpose were founded. Help was organized by craftsmen, and also by religious brotherhoods. A number of such asylums were founded in Cracow form inspiration of Adam Chmielowski (Brother Albert), founder of The Congregation o Albertin Brothers. In nineteenth centaury, particular and important role, have played two philanthropic institutions. House of Poors founded by Anna and Ludwik Helcel, and a shelter for orphan boys founded by duke Aleksander Lubomirski. In these very modern, for those ages, institutions there not only was a concern about physical wealth of their "patients”, but also satisfying the spiritual needs. This pattern evolves to present day

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