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Problem aktualności koncepcji prekursorów wychowania przez sztukę: F. Nietzschego i H. Read, a w świetle adaptacji w krakowskiej uniwersyteckiej myśli pedagogicznej

  • Author: Joanna Aksman
  • Year of publication: 2003
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 389-410
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200328
  • PDF: ksm/07/ksm200328.pdf

The problem of present-day of the conceptions of the precursors of the education through art; F. Nietzsche and H. Read in view of the adaptation of the pedagogical university ideas of Cracow

The paper is preceded by the introduction which deals with the unification of concepts: aesthetic education, artistic education, education to art and education through art.  In the first part the author reminds the views of the chosen philosophers on the role of art and aesthetic experience in a human's life (chronologically starting with Pitagoras and ending with Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz).  The above brief philosophical review is the background to present the original conceptions of the education through art of F. Nietzsche and H. Read's, what is described in the third part.  The next paragraph deals with the adaptation of the ideas in the characteristic for the education through art stream in the period of the New Education (I. Rousseau, ]. H. Pestalozzi, C. Freinet, V. Lowenfeld, F. V. Brecht, ]. Dewey) and direct followers of the H. Read conception (R. Witkin, B. Way and others).  In the last part there are considerations about present-day of the origins of the education through art in Polish pedagogical literature (ideas of S. Szuman, B. Suchodolski, I. Wojnar and others), especially in Pedagogical University Ideas of Cracow.  The reminding of H. Read's ideas by the way of topics which concern the changes in art and education, which take place nowadays, seems to be correct, as S. Morawski has written: "H. Read was actually a utopian, but not a fantasist, he was not only a friend of artists, with whom he communicated in a personal way, but he was also a friend of the others, who had led the dramatic tight of the escape from the labyrinth of our epoch... magnetic and provoking philosopher of life, with whom one had had to cope with the own spirit resources.”

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